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PTI sounds alarm over Bushras' health

PTI sounds alarm over Bushras' health



The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on Tuesday expressed serious concerns over the health of Bushra Bibi, the wife of former Prime Minister and PTI founder Imran Khan, after the unexpected arrival of an ambulance and medical personnel in Bani Gala late Monday evening.

He warned that those in power would be held responsible if anything happened to Bushra, saying his safety and security were now under threat.

Addressing a press conference in Islamabad, PTI central spokesperson Raoof Hasan demanded that Bushra be immediately shifted to Shaukat Khanum Hospital, where her doctors and those chosen by Imran Khan could examine her health.

He warned that if anything happened to him, those responsible, including Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz and the prison superintendent, would be held accountable.

Read more: PTI and doctors at odds over Bushra Bibi's medical reports

PTI President's lawyer Gohar Ali Khan criticized the government for not sharing relevant information about her health condition with the party, adding that Bushra Bibi was illegally detained in Bani Gala sub-jail.

The sudden appearance of medical assistance in Bani Gala alarmed PTI leaders and supporters, casting doubt on Bushra Bibi's well-being and causing immediate concern.

Lawyer Gohar described the situation as “extremely serious and worrying”, calling for urgent action.

He noted with dismay that no information on the arrival of the ambulance or the state of health of Bushra Bibi had been provided to the party leadership, despite repeated requests. This lack of communication has intensified fears about his safety and security, he added.

Lawyer Gohar stressed that those in power are responsible for the health and safety of Bushra Bibi, but he criticized them for failing to meet their constitutional and legal obligations. He strongly condemned the government's failure to ensure his welfare, saying such neglect is both intolerable and unfortunate.

Read: Imran alleges Bushra's food contaminated with toilet cleaner

Addressing the press conference in Islamabad, Raoof Hasan said that the sudden arrival of the ambulance and doctors at Bani Gala, followed by their abrupt departure without informing Bushra Bibi's family and the PTI legal team, was unacceptable and inhumane. He warned that the situation could escalate as the public's patience reached its limits.

PTI Senator Dr Mohmand has cast doubt on the credibility of Bushra Bibi's medical assessments, suggesting that her health check-up was delayed by two months, perhaps to cover up wrongdoing.

He claimed inflammation of her digestive system could indicate poisoning and demanded a thorough investigation to uncover any foul play.

PTI core committee member Naeem Panjutha noted that Bushra Bibi had no previous health problems and the delay in addressing her health problem had raised suspicion.

He noted that she had been subjected to isolation and deprived of any outside contact, which made her condition even more precarious.

Kanwal Shauzab, president of the PTI women's wing, pointed out that targeting of women has become a worrying trend since the regime change. She pointed out that Bushra Bibi had no political role and was unjustly detained to put pressure on Imran Khan.

She demanded that Bushra Bibi be released immediately as she is being detained in connection with bogus politically motivated cases.

PTI leaders urged the government to ensure Bushra Bibi's safety and take immediate steps to address her health concerns, stressing that they would not remain silent if her condition deteriorated further.




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