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Angela Rayner proved Boris's PMQ ouster was a 'disaster', Tories warn | Politics | News

Angela Rayner proved Boris's PMQ ouster was a 'disaster', Tories warn |  Politics |  News


Boris Johnson's supporters within the Conservative Party have once again lambasted Tory MPs after Angela Rayner highlighted the current division within the party.

In social housing today, Labour's deputy leader accused Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden of stabbing Mr Johnson in the back to get Rishi Sunak into Downing Street.

Exploiting Tory divisions, she said: I read with interest that the right honorable gentleman urged his neighbor at Number 10 to call an election because he feared they would be wiped out.

Did he finally realize that when he stabbed Boris Johnson in the back to move his mate to number 10, he was abandoning their biggest electoral winner for a minor loser?

Many of Mr Johnson's supporters have recently lambasted the Tory MPs who impeached him, accusing them of doing Labour's dirty work.

Speaking shortly after Mr Johnson resigned from No 10, Ms Rayner let the cat out of the bag by claiming he was their biggest electoral threat.

Asked which of the Tory leadership candidates Labor feared most, she told LBC: I'm quite happy with all of them.

“Cause there's one thing, and I could kind of see it [Boris] I had this kind of Teflon coating. It's like a bit of magic. Where he was able to reach the public and reach places where I don't see any of the five candidates running at the moment

Boris had so much going for him. He got a majority of 80 seats and the country was really behind him. The five we have now, I don't think I got it.

Boris Johnson's supporters have now taken up PMQs' remarks as justification that the Tories should not have abandoned their 2019 election winner.

David Campbell Bannerman, a former Conservative MEP and now chairman of the Conservative Democratic Organisation, told the Express: I fear Angela Rayner has not understood the extent to which Boris's stabbing favored the party Labor in the polls.

Under Boris we were 2-4% behind; now it is behind by an average of 24% under Sunak.

Stabbing Boris was clearly disastrous for the Tories.

Other Tories in the CDO, set up following Mr Johnson's undemocratic ouster from Downing Street to defend the Tory base, said Tory MPs should take responsibility for their fateful decision and remember it in the evening elections.

Director Claire Bullivant said: Boris was an immensely popular and democratically elected prime minister with a clear mandate who was hounded by the left and people like Angela Rayner because they feared him so much.

“Of course, they knew they would never stand a chance against him. It's refreshing that she admits that now.

That's why Keir, Angela and their friends at the BBC and the Guardian have been talking so much about wallpaper and a slice of cake!

But unfortunately, 60 Tory MPs, led by Kemi Badenoch, bought into the narrative and jumped off the cliff by sending letters that ultimately brought down Boris.

Then, to make matters even worse, the Party decided to remove the members and crowned Rishi on the basis he knew best.




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