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Google is doing what it does best: delaying the retirement of third-party cookies again

Google is doing what it does best: delaying the retirement of third-party cookies again


The ad tech industry isn't all that surprising.

Google announced on Tuesday that it is delaying the retirement of third-party cookies in its Chrome browser for the third time. It cited regulatory impasse and industry unpreparedness.

The company recognizes the ongoing challenges associated with reconciling disparate feedback from industry, regulators, and developers, and will continue to work closely with the entire ecosystem, the company said in a blog post. mentioned in.

Google's original third-party cookie retirement deadline was set for January 2020, pledging to phase out user tracking technologies within two years in an effort to increase consumer data privacy on the open web. But the tech giant has since slammed the brakes twice, citing the need to give the advertising industry additional preparation time amid uncertainty. As the saying goes, Google phased out cookies in his 1% of browsers' traffic in early January.

Google said on Tuesday that the decision to postpone again was made in response to increased regulatory scrutiny, particularly from the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), the UK antitrust enforcement agency, which is closely monitoring the proposed transition. Ta.

In January, regulators cited 39 unique concerns about Google's plan to phase out third-party cookies. Google said it has until the end of June to submit feedback on its transition plan, giving it enough time to consider all evidence, including the results of industry tests.

The CMA is primarily concerned about how Google's plans to exit third-party cookies could unfairly impede competition. Regulators are investigating how Google's Privacy Sandbox, a wide-ranging effort that includes a variety of tools designed to replace cookies for advertisers and publishers, unfairly prioritizes Google's own advertising products. The company is assessing whether it could further consolidate its market dominance in ad tech (something regulators are already looking into). (by the U.S. Department of Justice).

In addition to the CMA, the UK Information Commissioner's Office has also expressed reservations about Google's cookie migration plans.

In a statement shared with The Drum, a CMA spokesperson said it welcomed Google's announcement clarifying when third-party cookies will be phased out. This allows time to evaluate industry test results and resolve any remaining issues. Under this commitment, Google has agreed to resolve any remaining competitive concerns before proceeding with the retirement of third-party cookies. We plan to work closely with the ICO to complete this process by the end of 2024.

Neither the CMA nor Google have provided a clear timeline for their new migration plans.

Regulators aren't the only ones seeing red flags in Google's cookie migration plans.

Some publishers and ad tech stakeholders have expressed concerns about how the privacy sandbox auction works, saying it creates a closed market and eliminates the need for external demand- and supply-side platforms. claims.

Google is also embroiled in a heated exchange with the Interactive Advertising Bureau, an industry group. In February, the bureau released a report identifying what it sees as fundamental issues with the privacy sandbox, including advertising effectiveness, media measurement and branding challenges. Safety, governance and transparency. Google disputed many of the claims in a 28-page rebuttal.

Despite widespread scrutiny of its plans, many advertising industry insiders are pleased with Google's decision to postpone the cookie retirement until regulatory concerns are resolved.

Paul Bannister, co-founder and chief strategy officer of ad tech company Raptive, says Google made the right choice here.

Bannister expressed confidence that Google can overcome the challenges ahead. The goal of eliminating third-party cookies is worthwhile, the Privacy Sandbox is flawed but powerful, and a little more time will help resolve these issues and allow the ecosystem to solve them together. It will be.

As Google and the CMA suggest, it's not the end of the world, even if it's just a short delay, Amelia Waddington, chief product officer at search intelligence platform Captify, agrees. Even if it is indeed delayed until early 2025, it won't make much of a difference for those who were already preparing, but it may give those who are starting to panic a few more months to prepare.

Other industry leaders are less pleased, seeing what they see as a continued drag on Google. There's a lot of controversy surrounding the Google Privacy Sandbox in the industry, but I keep asking myself, “Aren't cookies just sticky at this point?” Adtech companies like Liveramp, The Trade Desk, and Magnite are already starting to fly the flag for themselves with identity-free solutions, said Lance Walder, head of strategy and marketing at adtech company PadSquad.

Walder implores the ad tech industry not to lose momentum gained from the widespread shift away from user identifiers such as cookies to more privacy-secure alternatives. As the decision to postpone becomes official, our only caution to the industry is to make sure we don't continue to drive identity into the future, where much of the cookie depreciation has already occurred.

He adds: Marketers who own the data and take a thoughtful approach to reaching customers and prospects and getting their message across are poised to capture the lion’s share of the wallet.

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