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ChatGPT, Meet XiGPT: China Unveils New AI Model That Expresses Xi Jinping's Thoughts and Lays Out Official Party Line

ChatGPT, Meet XiGPT: China Unveils New AI Model That Expresses Xi Jinping's Thoughts and Lays Out Official Party Line


OpenAIthe chatbot powered by AI, ChatGPT, currently unavailable in China, seems to have a new rival in this Asian country. China's top internet regulator introduced broad language model based on presidentXi Jinpings political philosophy.

What happened: The LLM, which is still in the internal testing phase and is not yet publicly available, is developed by the China Cyberspace Research Institute, an organization under the Cyberspace Administration of China, reported the South China Morning Post.

According to an article published Monday on the administration's WeChat account of the magazine, the main content of the LLM includes philosophy as well as other selected themes in cyberspace that align with the official government discourse.

The professionalism and authority of the corpus guarantee the professional quality of the generated content, the administration said in the message.

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This philosophy is officially known as Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, which was incorporated into China's constitution in 2018.

Unlike other AI systems, the LLM relies on a curated knowledge base with locally generated data and is not open source, ensuring its secure and reliable nature, according to the administration. It is expected to meet a wide range of user needs, including answering questions, summarizing information, and translating between Chinese and English.

The system is currently being tested internally and is not yet available for public use, but is open to designated users by invitation.

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Why is this important: The introduction of the LLM based on Xi Jinping's thinking comes as China aims to leverage AI to drive economic growth while maintaining tight regulatory control over cybersecurity.

The country's AI sector is working to narrow the gap with leading U.S. companies in generative AI technology.

China's AI sector has also seen rapid growth. For example, last month,Baidu Inc.said it has surpassed the 200 million user mark for its AI chatbot. However, China is still working to develop its version of ChatGPT, the chatbot launched by OpenAI in 2022, according to an AI pioneer. Kai Fu Lee.

Meanwhile, the United States is considering regulations to restrict China's access to advanced AI software, such as that used in ChatGPT, as part of a strategy to protect American AI from China.

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Disclaimer:This content was partially produced with the assistance of Benzinga Neuro and was reviewed and published by Benzinga editors.

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