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The judge hates Donald Trump

The judge hates Donald Trump


Since New York State Judge Juan Merchan fined and reprimanded Donald Trump earlier this month for violating a silence order during his criminal trial, the former president has been on good behavior, maybe not his best behavior, but definitely better behavior. For a few weeks, he avoided statements that could be interpreted as a violation of the order, before starting to test the limits again.

The order aims to protect the sanctity of the case, in part by barring Trump from attacking witnesses, as well as the families of prosecutors and the judge. But Merchan himself is not protected by this order, as Trump knows. Speaking outside court yesterday, after the defense finished its case, he lambasted Colombia-born Merchan.

The judge hates Donald Trump, Trump said, employing a third person like Bob Dole. Take a look. Take a look at him. Take a look at where it came from. He can't stand Donald Trump. He does everything in his power.

This is not prohibited by the gag order, but it undermines the legitimacy of the courts. It's also appalling that Trump's behavior is so frequent and so casual that it risks being overlooked. Trump implies that Merchan must hate him because Merchan is Latino. In other words, Trump is arguing that because he, Trump, made racist comments toward Latinos, every Latino must hate him. (Never mind that Trump has courted and gained traction among Latino voters.) Or perhaps this is another example of his frequent projection: If Trump is prejudiced, he assumes that other people must be prejudiced by the same way.

This is not the first time he has made such a remark about a judge. In 2016, Trump insinuated the bias of Gonzalo Curiel, a federal judge who was overseeing a class-action lawsuit alleging that so-called Trump University was fraudulent. (Trump ultimately settled the case for $25 million.) What happens is the judge, who we think happens to be Mexican, which is great. I think it's good, Trump said. Pressed by CNN's Jake Tapper, Trump refused to deny that he was saying a Mexican judge couldn't hear his case fairly.

More than simple bigotry, Trump's remarks about Merchan constitute an attack on the foundation of the American justice system, part of his attack on the rule of law itself. The principles of the courts are that judges and juries do their best to set aside biases and that the checks and balances of adversarial systems most often ensure fair outcomes. By suggesting that a judge is irredeemably biased simply because of where he was born, Trump seeks to undermine the entire system. It also seeks to cast doubt on the very idea of ​​naturalized citizenship.

Trump's approach also creates a perverse incentive: Any defendant who attacks a judge's (or prosecutor's) ethnicity or other background could unilaterally have them removed from office. Of course, every defendant would love to choose a judge who they expect to be reflexively sympathetic toward them, but that wouldn't be fair. (Nevertheless, that may be exactly what's happening in another Trump criminal case, as a judge he appointed to the federal bench appears to be obstructing his prosecution.)

There is a more charitable interpretation of Trump's request that we examine where he is coming from. Merchan came to the United States at the age of 6 and settled in Queens, New York, the same New York borough where the former president was born and raised. Merchan is as much a Queens native as Trump. If Trump means that New Yorkers don't like him very much, he's right.




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