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Explore AI-powered innovations at Dell Technologies

Explore AI-powered innovations at Dell Technologies


Dell Technologies Inc. is keeping a close eye on how computing technology is being transformed as it navigates a new wave of artificial intelligence-driven innovation.

This means developing products and architectures that include the graphics processing units that are driving AI deployments today.

Jeff Clarke, vice chairman and chief operating officer of Dell Technologies, speaks with theCUBE at Dell Technologies World.

It's a different computing architecture, said Jeff Clark (pictured), Dell's vice chairman and chief operating officer. The GPU is the brain, the network is the heart, and the storage is the lungs. Putting these together creates an optimized system. This is a new architecture that is evolving and will evolve again as we move from training to inference.

Clark spoke with Dave Vellante and Savannah Peterson of theCUBE Research at Dell Technologies World during an exclusive broadcast from SiliconANGLE Media's livestreaming studio, theCUBE. They discussed Dell's recent product announcements and the growing influence of AI at the edge. (*Disclosure below)

Dell Technologies AI PCs leverage processor performance enhancements

A key element in that transformation is the role of personal computing, a cornerstone of Dell's business model since its founding 40 years ago. At Dell Technologies World in Las Vegas this week, the company unveiled a new AI PC with an advanced GPU and neural processing unit.

Clark said the jump in performance was significant. His personal assistant will appear in front of you. His personal assistant searches, organizes, and helps him caption, remember, and create live. This is a new wave of innovation hitting the PC unlike anything we've seen before.

In the interview, Clark cited statistics that 83% of enterprise data resides on-premises and 53% of data is created by devices at the edge. Data points like this seem to support Dell's strategic approach to his AI and his PC business.

Clark said data will be the differentiator. We believe AI leverages data because it is more efficient, effective, and safer. We believe AI will move to the edge [and] We were a cutting edge company and a very large commercial PC provider to our customers.

This is a complete video interview that is part of SiliconANGLE and CUBE Researchs' coverage of Dell Technologies World.

(* Disclosure: Dell Technologies Inc. sponsored this segment on theCUBE. Neither Dell nor any other sponsors have editorial control over content on theCUBE or SiliconANGLE.)

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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