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Meet Chat Xi PT, the new AI chatbot that gives answers based on the Chinese President's thoughts Firstpost

Meet Chat Xi PT, the new AI chatbot that gives answers based on the Chinese President's thoughts Firstpost


Chat Xi PT was trained on the Chinese president's political philosophy known as Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era or Xi Jinping Thought, as well as other works provided by the powerful regulator Chinese Cyberspace Administration. Although it can answer questions, create reports, summarize information, and translate between Chinese and English, it is not yet publicly available.
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Everyone knows ChatGPT and its many imitators.

Well, add another one to the mix.

China has just launched Chat Xi PT, a chatbot trained in the philosophy of Xi Jinping.

But what do we know about the Large Language Model (LLM)?

Let's take a closer look:

According to Financial Times, The LLM was trained on the political philosophy of the Chinese president as well as other works provided by the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC).

The president's writings are known as Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era or Xi Jinping Thought.

This philosophy, formally enshrined in the Chinese constitution in 2018, has also been added to the school curriculum.

The LLM is currently operational at a research center under China's powerful internet regulator, the CAC.

Chat Xi PT can answer questions, create reports, summarize information and translate between Chinese and English.

According to The times of India, The LLM was trained on locally generated data, including a dozen books written by Xi.

The chatbot could then be released for wider use, a person inside the project told the newspaper.

The expertise and authority of the corpus guarantee the professionalism of the content generated, wrote CAC magazine in an article on social networks.

The CAC ordered generative AI providers to embody core socialist values.

He ordered them to ensure that generated content could not contain any content that could subvert state power and held companies accountable for their AI production.

Tech powerhouses like Baidu and Alibaba have been closely monitoring their LLM results. When it comes to the Chinese president, other tricky questions remain.

According to Financial Times, their chatbots typically ask users to start all over again when asked about Xi or sensitive topics.

The China Cybersecurity Association released 100 million high-quality and reliable data entries in December that technology companies can use to train LLMs.

There is significant concern about the intensification of cybersecurity and influence operations by China and, to some extent, North Korea.  P.A.
The development comes as Chinese officials are making broad efforts to disseminate Xi's views on politics, economics and culture in all formats. P.A.

The data comes from government regulations and policy documents, state media reports and other official publications, according to the parties reviewed by the Financial Times.

One text mentions Xi 86,314 times.

Let us unite more closely around the Party Central Committee, with Comrade Xi Jinping within it, one line reads.

We must ensure that in our thoughts, policies and actions we are always in line with the Party Central Committee, with General Secretary Xi Jinping at its core, said another.

The development comes as Chinese officials are making wide-ranging efforts to disseminate Xi's views on politics, economics and culture in all formats.

According to India time, In China, schoolchildren from the age of 10 must study Xi Jinping Thought.

Popular apps also carry articles about Xi from state media on their feeds.

Xi's ability to have his name “crowned” in the party constitution was seen as a key measure of his power, elevating him to the level of previous leaders exemplified by Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory.

No other leader since Mao has had an eponymous ideology included in the document during his tenure. Deng's name was added after his death in 1997.

The state constitution was last amended in 2004 to include safeguards to protect private property and human rights.

Although it theoretically offers broad guarantees for things like freedom of expression, religion and association, rights groups say that in practice these guarantees are ignored.

It also highlights the primacy of the Communist Party in China's leadership.

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