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Imran decides who can meet him in prison

Imran decides who can meet him in prison


PTI founder Imran Khan addressing a press conference in Islamabad, in this undated image. AFP/File

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) spokesperson on Thursday clarified that the party leadership had submitted a list of leaders for a meeting with PTI founder president Imran Khan, who later approved the final names , party officials having no role in the selection process. .

Reacting to PTI leader Salar Khan Kakars' tweet in which he denounced being excluded from a meeting with the party's founding president, the PTI spokesperson said only a handful of people could meet him in prison in at a time, on the designated days after the due date. process. Kakar is a member of the party's central committee from Balochistan.

Salar Kakar said in his tweet: Imran Khan called me twice for a meeting. Today, for the second week in a row, my name is truncated and I am sent away from Adiala Gate. I will hold a press conference after consulting friends from all districts of Balochistan. Khan Sahib's loyalists are being kept away from him and party affairs as part of a well-thought-out conspiracy.

The PTI spokesperson clarified that the party leadership had explained the procedure of meeting with Imran Khan several times. He stressed that the meeting was possible only with the approval of the PTI founder according to the coordinated procedure.

He made it clear that it was not possible for everyone to meet Imran Khan at the same time as the prison administration was allowing only a handful of people. He clarified that the party in-charge had no role in the process of selecting people for the meeting with the PTI founder president.

The PTI spokesperson said the list of people proposed for the meeting was presented to Imran Khan, who finalized the names.

He said it was inappropriate and a violation of party discipline to blame a party official in this regard. The PTI spokesperson stressed that party leaders should follow the established pattern instead of forming opinions based on hearsay.

Meanwhile, the PTI spokesperson demanded that the PTI founder president be allowed to appear in person before the Supreme Court (SC) in the NAB amendment case.

He argued that Imran Khan, as a former prime minister and leader of the country's largest and most popular political party, has a fundamental constitutional right to appear in person before the apex court.

He said that Imran Khan wanted to fight this case himself despite baseless, frivolous, false and politically motivated cases as it is a matter of national interest.

He termed the SC's decision not to allow Imran Khan to speak in the previous hearing and impose a ban on live streaming of proceedings as disappointing, as he was not only a leader of the largest party political, but also a national hero, who was the most effective. voice against corruption and corrupt leaders in the country.

Meanwhile, he denounced the illegal raid by Islamabad police on the PTI central office in the presence of a UN delegation, saying the incident sends a worrying message to the whole world that the constitution and law no longer have any meaning and have no value in Pakistan.

The PTI spokesperson vehemently condemned the Islamabad police for their illegal raid on the PTI central office, involving a massive contingent, and harassment of the UN delegation present at the venue.

He said police carried out an illegal raid on the central office under the guise of a search operation in the presence of the UN delegation without a warrant.

The PTI spokesperson claimed that the unfortunate incident was part of a long and drawn-out series of attempts to harass and intimidate the party, its workers and leaders.

The whole world now knows that the dignity and privacy of the Pakistani people and the sanctity of the four walls are under threat from their own protectors, he added.

The PTI spokesperson demanded that Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif and Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi be held accountable for the illegal police raid on the PTI central office.




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