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General Election 2024 – live: Michael Gove joins exodus of MPs as Sunak hopes for Boris Johnson in campaign

General Election 2024 – live: Michael Gove joins exodus of MPs as Sunak hopes for Boris Johnson in campaign


Starmer responds to Jeremy Corbyn's candidacy as an independent general election candidate

Minister Michael Gove has become the latest Conservative MP to stand down from the election, joining 76 other Conservatives.

The Leveling Up and Housing Secretary, who once aspired to become leader of the Conservative Party, said: “There comes a time when you know it’s time to leave. That a new generation should lead.

Rishi Sunak has confirmed he will welcome former Prime Minister Boris Johnson to join the Conservative campaign and could make an appearance before the July 4 general election.

But the Conservatives decided to ban David Frost, Johnson's ally, from standing as a candidate and from applying in any of the remaining constituencies.

The Commons was hit by a wave of more than 100 resignations, leaving the Conservatives scrambling to find replacement candidates in some constituencies.

Meanwhile, Jeremy Corbyn announced he was standing as an independent candidate in the general election to fight Labor for Islington North, promising to be an independent voice for equality, democracy and peace.


Conservatives scramble to find nearly 200 election candidates after exodus

The Conservatives are scrambling to find candidates for almost a third of constituencies after Rishi Sunak's decision to keep many of his party's senior figures in the dark about his decision to call a snap election, writes political editor David Maddox .

So far, 76 Conservative MPs have announced their resignation:

Jane DaltonMay 24, 2024 6:05 p.m.


Michael Gove joins exodus from Parliament

Prominent minister Michael Gove has become the 77th Conservative MP to stand down from the election.

Announcing his decision on social media, the Leveling and Housing Secretary said: There comes a time when you know it's time to leave. That a new generation should lead.

Mr Gove, who once vied with Boris Johnson to become leader of the Conservative Party, said he would do everything he could to support Rishi Sunak in the election.

Jane DaltonMay 24, 2024 7:09 p.m.


Labor U-turn on abolishing tuition fees

Sir Keir Starmer has said he will not keep his former pledge to scrap university tuition fees.

The promise was made during his 2020 leadership campaign, but was abandoned last year.

He says: I certainly believe we need to change the current arrangements because I don't think they are fair.

He added that Labor will only make general election promises that we know we can keep.

Instead of scrapping tuition fees, he said the party had chosen to pump more money into the NHS.

Salma OuaguiraMay 24, 2024 7:00 p.m.


Starmer rules out Labor deal with SNP

Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer has firmly ruled out any deal with the SNP after July's general election, insisting his party could under no circumstances work with Scottish nationalists.

He was campaigning in the Glasgow East constituency, one of the Scottish seats Labor hopes to win from the SNP.

But when asked if he could work with John Swinney's party in the event of a hung parliament, Sir Keir said there would be absolutely no deal with the SNP.

He said there would obviously be no deal before the election, but added that there would be no deal on the other side of the election, whatever the circumstances.

It's not just a question of mathematics, because there is no way a new Labor government could work in any way with the SNP, whose only ambition is to divide the UK, he said. added.

Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer has insisted there is no way his party can strike a deal with the SNP after the general election (Andrew Milligan/PA)
Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer has insisted there is no way his party can strike a deal with the SNP after the general election (Andrew Milligan/PA)

Jane DaltonMay 24, 2024 6:45 p.m.


Watch: Jeremy Corbyn pledges to fight for equality as he confirms he will stand as an independent candidate

Jeremy Corbyn pledges to fight for equality as independent election candidate

Jeremy Corbyn has announced that he will stand as an independent candidate in the general election. The former Labor leader said he would stand in his constituency of Islington North, promising to be an independent voice for equality, democracy and peace. Mr Corbyn has been suspended by the Labor Party since 2020 after refusing to fully accept the findings of the Equality and Human Rights Commission that the party had broken the Equality Act when he was in power. He vowed to fight to retain a seat he has represented for 40 years, adding: We must stand up and defend our rights.

Salma OuaguiraMay 24, 2024 6:30 p.m.


The best of public reaction to the general election

They're all fools: your best reactions to the general election

The general election is six weeks away and one thing is certain: we will be hearing plenty of news from the British public. As voters head to the polls, it's not uncommon for news anchors to stop people on the street and ask them for their opinions. Hours after Rishi Sunak's election announcement, Britons were asked what they could expect from the Prime Minister and his Labor rival, Sir Keir Starmer. It's fair to say that opinions are mixed, with some forgetting who Mr Sunak is, and others calling the candidates assholes. Here, The Independent takes a look at some of the best vox pops we've seen so far.

Salma OuaguiraMay 24, 2024 6:00 p.m.


Sunak says he loves campaigning seeing Titanic area

Rishi Sunak said he was motivated and having fun two days into the election campaign, despite a rocky start when he was drenched in Downing Street as he announced the election, made a gaffe footballer and had been mocked for having visited the Titanic district.

The Prime Minister has been on a whirlwind tour of the UK since the vote was announced on Wednesday, visiting Belfast and the West Midlands on Friday.

On the flight from Belfast, Mr Sunak said he was ready to fight. He said: I love doing this. I've been doing this since the beginning of the year, I've been going out about two, three days a week since the beginning of the year and I love it.

But he acknowledged there were also difficult days as prime minister, adding that he took inspiration from Conservative MP Craig Mackinlay, who returned to Parliament on Wednesday after suffering a quadruple amputation.

In Belfast, Mr Sunak visited an advanced maritime manufacturing plant in the Titanic Quarter, leading to unfortunate comparisons with his party's fortunes.


Jane DaltonMay 24, 2024 5:50 p.m.


Sunaks Rwanda says he is as stupid as he looked standing in the rain without an umbrella, says Starmer

Sir Keir Starmer said Rishi Sunak's attacks on Labour's asylum policy were as stupid as he looked standing in the rain without an umbrella, Archie Mitchell reports.

In a bitter response to the Prime Minister's claim that Labor would offer amnesty to thousands of asylum seekers, Sir Keir attacked Mr Sunak's rainy election speech.

Sir Keir also outlined Labor's plans to crack down on smuggling gangs to stop small boats crossing the Channel.

And he attacked the prime minister's deportation plan to Rwanda, saying the prime minister's admission that there will be no flights before the election calls into question his confidence in the Rwanda plan.

Salma OuaguiraMay 24, 2024 5:30 p.m.


George Galloway's grandson is running for office

Independent candidate Sean Galloway Stewart announced he would fight on July 4.

He will fight for a seat in the Eltham constituency.

Salma OuaguiraMay 24, 2024 5:00 p.m.


Photos of the day: from Sunak on the Titanic manufacturing site to the leader of the Lib Dems eating an ice cream

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak during his visit to the Artemis Technology maritime technology center in Belfast, Northern Ireland.  He also visited a maritime manufacturing site in the Titanic area of ​​Belfast, where the famous ship was built.
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak during his visit to the Artemis Technology maritime technology center in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He also visited a maritime manufacturing site in the Titanic area of ​​Belfast, where the famous ship was built. (Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire)
Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey eats ice cream on the promenade in Eastbourne, East Sussex, during the General Election campaign
Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey eats ice cream on the promenade in Eastbourne, East Sussex, during the General Election campaign (Aaron Chown/PA Wire)
A young supporter holds a sign
A young supporter holds a sign reading 'Change' as they wait for the Scottish Labor Party's general election campaign to launch at Caledonia House. (Getty Images)

Salma OuaguiraMay 24, 2024 4:03 p.m.




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