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Donald Trump reacts to the killing of Americans in Haiti

Donald Trump reacts to the killing of Americans in Haiti


Former President Donald Trump reacted Friday to the deaths of two Americans in Haiti.

“God bless Davy and Natalie. Such a tragedy. Haiti is totally out of control. Find the killers NOW!!!” the former president wrote in a post on Truth Social, his social media platform.

The post included a screenshot of a message shared by the Newton County Republican Central Committee in Missouri that shared its condolences over the deaths of the two Americans, identified as Davy and Natalie Lloyd. Natalie Lloyd is the daughter of Missouri State Representative Ben Baker.

“The forces of darkness seek whom they may devour. But whoever lives the truth comes to the light, that it may be clearly seen that what they have done has been done before God,” the message reads of the committee. . “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. »

Newsweek reached out to Trump's spokesperson via email for comment.

The context

On Friday, Baker, a Republican, shared a Facebook post announcing that his daughter, Natalie Lloyd, and her husband, Davy Lloyd, “were attacked by gangs” Thursday night in Haiti and “were both killed.”

“My heart is broken into a million pieces. I have never felt this kind of pain. Most of you know that my daughter and son-in-law Davy and Natalie Lloyd are full-time missionaries in Haiti,” it read. in Baker's message. “…They went to heaven together. Please pray for my family, we desperately need strength. And please pray for the Lloyd family as well. I don't have any other words for now.”

Former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign event in Crotona Park in New York's South Bronx on Thursday. Trump published an article on Friday about an American couple killed in Haiti… Former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign event in Crotona Park in the South Bronx, New York, on Thursday. Trump published an article on Friday about an American couple killed in Haiti. More photos by Steven Ferdman/GC Images What we know

According to CNN, the two men worked for a group called Missions in Haiti, Inc.

The group's website says the organization was founded by Davy's parents.

“Haiti is a nation that has been and is being devastated by the powers of darkness. We are David and Alicia Lloyd. We began missions in Haiti in 2000 with the goal of putting Haiti on a different path. the country's greatest need: its children,” the website said, noting that they were thrilled to have Davy and Natalie join them in Haiti after their recent marriage.

A State Department spokesperson told Newsweek Friday afternoon that “we are aware of reports of deaths of U.S. citizens in Haiti.”

“We extend our deepest condolences to the family for their loss. We stand ready to provide all appropriate consular assistance. Out of respect for the family at this difficult time, we have no further comment,” the spokesperson added. word.

Haiti has recently been rocked by a wave of political instability and gang violence that led Ariel Henry, the country's prime minister, to resign in late April as a transition council was sworn in to take over. Gangs are estimated to control 80 percent of the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince.


In 2023, the U.S. State Department issued a travel advisory for Haiti, placing the country on the “Do Not Travel” list.

“Do not travel to Haiti due to kidnappings, crime, civil unrest and poor health care infrastructure. On July 27, 2023, the Department of State ordered the departure of family members of U.S. government employees and non-emergency U.S. government employees. » declared the US State Department at the time. “US citizens in Haiti should leave Haiti as soon as possible by commercial or private transportation, in light of the current security situation and infrastructural challenges. U.S. citizens wishing to leave Port-au-Prince should monitor local news and do so only. when it is considered safe.”

Missouri Governor Mike Parson also responded to the deaths in a post on X, formerly Twitter, and wrote: “Absolutely heartbreaking news. Teresa and I extend our deepest condolences to Rep. @BenBakerMO and Naomi and their family. We pray for Natalie and Davy. our loved ones and may God bring them strength during this most difficult time. »

Update, 5/24/24, 11:37 a.m. ET: This story has been updated with additional information.

Update, 5/24/24, 12:10 p.m. ET: This story has been updated with additional information.

Updated 5/24/24, 12:31 p.m. ET: This article has been updated with comments from the U.S. Department of State and additional information.

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.




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