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Boris Johnson criticizes world leaders for efforts to tackle climate crisis

Boris Johnson criticizes world leaders for efforts to tackle climate crisis


Boris Johnson has told world leaders he is “increasingly frustrated” that their commitments to tackle the climate crisis are “far from enough”.

The Prime Minister warned at a meeting at the United Nations in New York that the gap between what industrialized countries have promised and what they actually deliver remains “vast”.

He urged them to step up efforts to deliver on a key funding pledge to help developing countries, which he acknowledged there is only a “six in 10 chance” of achieving before the UK hosts the Cop26 climate summit in November.

Co-hosting a debate at the United Nations General Assembly on Monday, the prime minister noted that “everyone is nodding and we all agree that something has to be done.”

“Yet I admit that I am increasingly frustrated that the ‘something’ many of you have committed to is far from enough,” he said.

“It is the world's largest economies that are causing the problem, while the smallest suffer the worst consequences.

“And while progress is being made around the world, the gap between what was promised, what is actually achieved and what needs to happen… remains vast.

“Too many major economies – some represented here today, others absent – ​​are lagging too far behind.”

Mr Johnson issued a stark warning of what would happen if they did not step up efforts to meet the target of giving $100 billion (73 billion) a year to help developing countries reduce their carbon emissions. carbon and protect against environmental change.

“If you say their children's lives are not worth reducing national coal consumption, will they vote with you in forums like this?” he said.

“Will they work with you, borrow from you, stand with you if you tell the world you don't care if their lands and people slip beneath the waves?

“To be a mere spectator is to be complicit in their plight – and yet that is exactly what you will be if you do not act this year.”

Mr Johnson played down the chances of hitting the $100 billion target before hosting Cop26 in Glasgow.

Downing Street said developed countries had “collectively failed” on their $100 billion target, with OECD figures last week showing that just $79.6 billion in climate finance was mobilized in 2019.

The Prime Minister will meet Amazon boss Jeff Bezos on Monday and pledged to tell him the online giant must pay its fair share of UK taxes and tackle employee working standards.

Mr Johnson is also expected to challenge Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, a notorious climate change skeptic, on deforestation in a separate meeting.

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