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Former Speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan

Former Speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan
Former Speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan


ANI | Updated: May 27, 2024 04:48 IST

Islamabad [Pakistan], May 27 (ANI): Former Speaker National Assembly (NA) of Pakistan, Asad Qaiser on Sunday criticized the political victimization of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). He said the PTI would hold talks only when the concerns of the Imran Khan-founded party were addressed, Pakistan-based ARY News reported. Speaking on ARY News show 'Sawwal Ye Hai', Qaiser called on the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N)-led government to take concrete steps to restore the party's mandate, which, according to him, had been stolen during the February 8 elections. The PTI leader said the government was talking about negotiations. However, he must first take steps to build trust. He further said that the party founded by Imran Khan will hold negotiations when its concerns are addressed. Asad Qaiser called the government's offer of talks a “public coup”, pointing out that the PML-N was instead using force to drown out the voice of the PTI. He also called for discussions on the Form 45 issue to be held in a joint session of Parliament, stressing that this was the only way to move forward and ensure the legitimacy of the electoral process. “[Prime Minister] Shehbaz Sharif has no public support, how will the country come out of the crisis,” Asad Qaiser asked, according to ARY News report. He warned that if PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif, was not taking a “principled stand”, his The position in future would be that of Chaudhry Shujaat Earlier, the PTI made a major U-turn in negotiations with the establishment after the chief executive. of Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) held a press conference, during which he demanded an apology from Imran Khan, founded party on the occasion of the events organized on May 9 last year.

Speaking on ARY News show 'Khabar', Asad Qaiser said his party did not want to talk with anyone and stressed that the PTI only sought to maintain “constitutional and legal supremacy”. law and wants all institutions to operate within their constitutional limits. Qaiser said the PTI wants to take all those who have reservations regarding the February 8 elections, adding that the PTI will not engage with the PML-N. On May 13, Asad Qaiser asked Pakistan Muslim League supremo Nawaz Sharif and Pakistan People's Party co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari to first apologize to the nation, in order to have any kind of potential dialogue with the party, ARY News reported. The PTI leader, in a broadcast for a private channel, said authorities must form a judicial commission to investigate and hold to account those involved in the May 9 riots. He underlined Pakistan's need for stability and respect for constitutional and legal frameworks. Qaiser also revealed ongoing discussions within the government regarding negotiation offers, involving consultations with PTI founder Imran Khan, according to the ARY News report. Qaisar expressed concerns over the latest political developments and cited instances where PTI MPs were forced to transfer parties. He also questioned the morality of engaging in negotiations with non-compliant entities. (ANI)




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