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PM Modi chairs meeting to review response and..

PM Modi chairs meeting to review response and..


New Delhi, May 26: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday chaired a meeting at his residence with senior officials to review the response and preparedness for Cyclone Remal which is expected to make landfall around midnight.

Cyclone Remal, expected to cross the coast on Sunday midnight, is expected to make landfall between Sagar Island in West Bengal and Khepupara in Bangladesh and intensify into a severe cyclone.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Modi was informed that the National Crisis Management Committee was in regular touch with the West Bengal government, according to a statement from the Prime Minister's Office.

Principal Secretary to Prime Minister, Cabinet Secretary, Home Minister, DG NDRF, DG, IMD and Member Secretary NDMA were also present in the meeting.

All fishermen are advised not to venture into the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea.

Around a million people are displaced to safer places.

Meanwhile, IMD is also extending its information support to Bangladesh with regular updates.

Prime Minister Modi said the Home Ministry should monitor the situation and conduct a review after the cyclone arrives to provide necessary assistance for restoration.

The Prime Minister ordered that apart from the 12 NDRF teams already deployed in West Bengal and one in Odisha, more teams should be kept on standby and able to move within an hour.

According to the IMD forecast, the cyclonic storm is also likely to cause rainfall in the states of West Bengal and the northeast.

Meanwhile, as a precautionary measure, Kolkata Airport has temporarily suspended its flight operations. Besides, the railways also canceled several trains.

The Indian Navy on Sunday said it has initiated preparatory actions, in line with existing standard operating procedures, to mount a credible Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) response in the wake of Cyclone Remal.

The situation is being closely monitored at the Naval Headquarters, and preparatory actions are being undertaken by the Eastern Naval Command Headquarters.

Two ships equipped with HADR and medical supplies are ready for immediate deployment to ensure the safety and well-being of the affected population.

In addition, naval aviation assets, notably Sea King and Chetak helicopters as well as Dornier aircraft, are also awaiting rapid intervention.

Specialized and equipped diving teams were stationed in Kolkata to provide rapid assistance. Other dive teams with the necessary equipment are on standby in Visakhapatnam, ready for rapid deployment if necessary.

Two flood relief teams, along with HADR and medical supplies, are positioned in Kolkata.

“The Indian Navy remains vigilant and closely monitors the evolving situation in order to provide immediate and effective assistance in the wake of Cyclone Remal,” the Defense Ministry said on Sunday.

(The content of this article comes from a news agency and has not been edited by the ap7am team.)




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