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LHC to hear PTI's plea against Punjab govt's approval of fresh cases against Imran, party leaders – Pakistan

LHC to hear PTI's plea against Punjab govt's approval of fresh cases against Imran, party leaders – Pakistan
LHC to hear PTI's plea against Punjab govt's approval of fresh cases against Imran, party leaders – Pakistan


The Lahore High Court (LHC) will on Thursday hear a PTI petition against the Punjab government's pursuit of legal action against party founder Imran Khan and other party leaders.

The High Court will hold the hearing tomorrow.

Last week, the Punjab cabinet approved fresh legal action (new cases) against Imran and other party leaders for their alleged involvement in fabricating a hate narrative against state institutions, in especially the army.

The Punjab cabinet has approved legal action against former Prime Minister Imran Khan and his other party leaders for constructing hate speech against state institutions, Punjab Information Minister said, Azma Bokhari, to the press after the cabinet meeting.

Today, the PTI submitted a petition to the LHC against the Punjab government's decision through party chief Barrister Latif Khosa.

The petition, a copy of which is available on, names Punjab Chief Secretary Zahid Akhtar Zaman, Punjab Home Minister Noorul Amin Mengal, Punjab Inspector General of Police Dr Usman Anwar , and National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Chairman Lt Gen (retd) Nazir Ahmad Butt as respondents.

Also appointed are the Federal Interior Secretary and Director Generals of the Federal Investigation Agency Islamabad and Punjab divisions.

The petition sought that the Punjab cabinet's decision to initiate legal action against Imran and other PTI leaders be declared without legal authority and legal consequence in the interest of justice.

He argued that registering complaints against Imran and other PTI leaders would violate Articles 4 (right of an individual to enjoy the protection of law), 5 (loyalty to the state), 7 (state definition), 9 (state security). person), 10 (guarantees regarding arrest and detention), 14 (inviolability of human dignity), 16 (freedom of assembly), 19 (freedom of expression) and 25 (equality of citizens) of the Constitution.

The petition also accuses the federal government of being afraid of Imran and implicating the party founder in false and fabricated cases to prevent his release in the false and malicious cases currently filed against him, his wife Bushra Bibi and other party leaders and members. .

Since the governments established and installed in the federation and the province of Punjab are deprived of public support, they feel absolutely insecure and threatened with the release of the petitioner from jail. The farcical governments of the federation and Punjab have turned out to be a total disaster and a total failure.

The economy is on the brink of disaster, the unprecedented inflation and currency devaluation following the ouster of the petitioner government have created an ungovernable situation. All efforts to eliminate the petitioner from the political landscape have been counterproductive as the petitioner's popularity is unprecedented and increases with each repressive act of transgression of fundamental human rights, the petition claims.

Action against Imran

Sources aware of the matter had told Dawn that the Maryam Nawaz administration had authorized an SP rank officer to file a complaint against the jailed prime minister for his tirade against the army during the 1971 episode. He is also accused of launching a tirade against state institutions and their leaders.

This is the first time that the Punjab government has decided to take permission from the entire cabinet headed by CM Maryam to file a fresh FIR against Khan. Earlier, permission to lodge FIRs in the May 9 violent incidents was granted by the cabinet committee on public order, sources said.

Sources had said that a complaint against Imran was filed by an Islamabad-based journalist who presented different clips, audios, interviews and newspaper clippings to support his claims regarding the anti-state narrative of the PTI founders.

The journalist, whose name is currently being kept secret, leveled allegations that the PTI founder president also launched a tirade against state institutions as well as their leaders. Khan had written and sent an anti-Pakistan article from prison to a British newspaper as per the journalist's complaint, they had said.




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