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General election 2024 live: Nigel Farage blames Sunak for Rwanda flights as Reforms overtake Tories in poll

General election 2024 live: Nigel Farage blames Sunak for Rwanda flights as Reforms overtake Tories in poll


Nigel Farage teases Opposition Leader's credentials as he makes Conservative Party statement

Labor and Nigel Farage accused the Conservatives of conspiring over plans to send more migrants to Rwanda during the election campaign.

The independent Plans are understood to be in place to fly one person from Nigeria and another from Pakistan, who are in the UK illegally, to the East African country ahead of the July 4 elections.

But just like the first person sent in April, this is a voluntary move and not a forced eviction.

It comes as Mr Farage claimed Reform UK was the new opposition following a YouGov poll which put his party ahead of the Conservatives for the first time.

Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron said Mr Farage is incredibly divisive and trying to destroy the Conservative Party.

Conservative party leadership candidates are already lobbying for support to take over the party, amid widespread fears of a disaster in a Rishi Sunak-led general election, The Guardian reports.


Keir Starmer denies being hostile to those who use private healthcare

The Labor leader said he fully understood why people would go private.

Maryam Zakir-HussainJune 15, 2024 7:30 p.m.


Starmer wins TV debate and Farages reform: key moments from the fourth week of the election campaign

The July 4 election campaign has been another hectic week as political parties have released their election platforms in an attempt to compete for your vote in the July 4 general election.

The independent identified these key moments:

Maryam Zakir-HussainJune 15, 2024 6:30 p.m.


Voters trust Tories over tax fall as Rishi Sunak's final election gamble fails

Confidence in the Conservatives on tax matters has plummeted, a new poll has revealed, in another blow to Rishi Sunak as he attempts to turn around his party's fortunes with less than three weeks to go.

It comes after the Conservatives went all out to use taxation as their main divisive issue and launched an assault on Labor's plans in a last-ditch effort to stop Sir Keir taking power with a supermajority on July 4.

Maryam Zakir-HussainJune 15, 2024 6:04 p.m.


Wes Streeting warns of Downing Street nightmare

Speaking at Bassetlaw Hospital in Worksop, Nottinghamshire, during a visit with Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer, the shadow health secretary dodged a question about whether he had a manifesto favorite policy of 2019 that he wanted in the 2024 document.

Look, I'm really proud of the manifesto put forward by Labor because not only is it fully costed and fully funded, but every promise in it is a promise that we can keep and that the country can afford, Mr. Streeting.

Maryam Zakir-HussainJune 15, 2024 5:30 p.m.


SNP opposition to Trident puts national security at risk, Tories say

Scottish Conservatives have criticized the SNP's opposition to Trident, the UK's nuclear deterrent.

Deputy leader Meghan Gallacher is visiting Helensburgh in Argyll and Bute on Saturday, near the Faslane naval base which is home to Britain's submarine fleet.

She highlighted a report from the GMB union which said thousands of jobs depended on the Faslane base, 6,500 military and civilian personnel at the base and 4,000 in the supply chain and local economy.

Maryam Zakir-HussainJune 15, 2024 4:30 p.m.


Labor calls for tactical vote to oust Tory leadership candidate Kemi Badenoch

Sam RkainaJune 15, 2024 3:30 p.m.


Starmer fears the rise of the right in Europe

Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer, whose party is leading the polls in the general election, is worried about the rise of the right in Europe.

Responding to a question about the 2024 European elections, Sir Keir said: In Europe, obviously, the situation is different in different countries, and so there is not one picture.

But look, we're a progressive party and I want to see progressive parties succeed in Europe, and I'm concerned that I see, you know, right-wing or far-right politics taking hold.

Clearly, what's important here in the UK is that we fight this general election in the progressive way that we are able and, hopefully, bring about the change that we need.

Sam RkainaJune 15, 2024 2:58 p.m.


UK growth has been lacking

Sir Keir Starmer said growth had been the missing part of government since 2010, during a visit to Bassetlaw Hospital in Worksop, Nottinghamshire.

Asked whether his party's economic proposals were confusing voters, Sir Keir said: “I reject the idea that the only levers a prime minister should pull are either the lever of taxes, or that of spending and growth.

This has been the missing piece for 14 years. Frankly, this is the missing part of this general election campaign: a discussion about growth.

Our manifesto is a manifesto for growth and a serious plan for growth.

This is what I planned to do: I plan an infrastructure and industrial strategy, a national wealth fund, GB Energy, all of this fits our argument about growth.

Sam RkainaJune 15, 2024 2:30 p.m.


“Voters will choose the leader of the opposition, not Farage”

Voters will choose who will be leader of the opposition, not British reform leader Nigel Farage, Sir Keir Starmer has said.

The Labor leader told the press: Well, I don't think it's up to Nigel Farage to declare himself leader of the opposition.

In fact, I am currently leader of the opposition. I hope to change that.

But look, my goal is to speak directly to voters, that's why I'm out and about every day, because these are their concerns and, at the end of the day, it's a competition.

But it is a choice between five more years of Conservative government after the failure of the last 14 years, or turn a page and a Labor government will rebuild the country.

There are only two candidates for Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak and myself.

British Reform leader Nigel Farage says his party will replace the Tories
British Reform leader Nigel Farage says his party will replace the Tories (PA wire)

Sam RkainaJune 15, 2024 2:00 p.m.


Starmer says capital gains tax was never a policy

Raising capital gains tax on primary residences was never a policy, Sir Keir Starmer has said.

When asked to clarify the issue, Sir Keir replied: Absolutely, it has never been a policy.

It doesn't need to be excluded, but let's exclude it, in case someone claims it was (policy).

Asked if he had been vague in his tax promises, Sir Keir replied: Well, I think on taxes we have been very clear: they will not increase, it will not There will therefore be no increase in income tax, national insurance or VAT.

This is simply a tale of desperation from the Tories over capital gains tax on primary residences.

Sam RkainaJune 15, 2024 1:45 p.m.




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