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Priyanka Gandhi calls PM Modi 'helpless' over NEET postponement, BJP hits back with accusation of 'dirty politics'

Priyanka Gandhi calls PM Modi 'helpless' over NEET postponement, BJP hits back with accusation of 'dirty politics'


Powerless PM says Priyanka Gandhi amid NEET row BJP responds with counter-accusation

New Delhi: Congress chief Priyanka Gandhi Vadra criticized the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) following the postponement of the NEET-PG 2024 medical exam. In her attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Priyanka Gandhi said the “helpless Prime Minister” was witnessing the spectacle of the nation's youth wasting time and energy to fight against “BJP corruption”. However, the BJP hit back at his accusations saying that “the remaining exams have been postponed so that the opposition cannot play with the future of the students and cannot use them for dirty political purposes.”

The verbal spat erupted after the Union Health Ministry announced that it had decided to postpone the NEET-PG entrance exam, initially scheduled for June 23, as a “precautionary measure” following recent allegations questioning the integrity of certain competitions.

“Under the BJP regime, the entire education system was handed over to mafias and corrupt people. The political stubbornness and arrogance of handing over the country's education and the future of children in the hands of greedy people and incompetent sycophants have resulted in paper leaks, cancellation of exams, disappearance of studies from campuses and political hooliganism are damaging the identity of our education system,” wrote Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on X today morning .

The Congress leader further said that the situation has become such that the BJP government cannot even conduct a fair review.

“Today the BJP government has become the biggest obstacle to the future of the youth. The competent youth of the country is wasting their precious time and energy fighting against the corruption of the BJP and Modi ji, helpless, is only doing watch things. show,” she added.

Meanwhile, BJP IT cell chief Amit Malviya spoke to X and said, “NEET-UG document leak channels are linked to Congress ally RJD. To cover this up, the AAP itself published fake videos. The remaining exams have been postponed so that the opposition cannot play with the students' future and cannot use them for its dirty politics.”

Earlier in the day, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi termed the postponement of the NEET-PG 2024 medical exam as “another unfortunate example of the crumbling education system under the rule of Narendra Modi”.

In a post on X, formerly Twitter, Rahul Gandhi wrote, “Now NEET PG is also postponed! This is another unfortunate example of the crumbling education system under the rule of Narendra Modi.

The Congress leader claimed that under the BJP regime, students are forced to fight the government to protect their future instead of focusing on their studies and building their careers. Now it is clear: Modi, who used to watch the show silently every time, is completely helpless against the paper leak racket and the education mafia. The incompetent government of Narendra Modi poses the biggest threat to the future of students. We must save the future of the country,” he wrote.

The ministry said the decision to postpone the NEET-PG entrance exam was a precautionary measure and it has also decided to conduct a thorough assessment of the robustness of the processes of the NEET-PG entrance exam. In a press release, it specifies: “It has therefore been decided, as a precautionary measure, to postpone the NEET-PG entrance exam, scheduled for June 23, 2024. The new date of this exam will be notified at the earliest.




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