Former Pakistani PM Imran Khan, jailed for corruption, wants open dialogue with military

Jailed former Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan, who blames the military for his ouster and 12-month jail term on what he calls trumped-up charges, said on Sunday it would be foolish not to have excellent relations with the military.
As the anniversary Monday of his imprisonment on dozens of charges ranging from corruption to leaking state secrets approached, Khan also said in written answers to reporters' questions that he had no grudge against the United States, which he also blamed for his 2022 impeachment.
Given Pakistan's geographical location and the military's significant role in the private sector, it would be foolish not to foster such a relationship, Khan wrote in responses carried by his media and legal team.
We are proud of our soldiers and our armed forces, he said.
Khan said his criticism since his ouster has been aimed at individuals, not the military as an institution. Miscalculations by military leaders should not be blamed on the institution as a whole.
On Wednesday, Khan offered to hold conditional talks with the South Asian military if clean and transparent elections were held and false charges against his supporters were dropped.
The Pakistani military and government did not immediately respond to requests for comment on Khan's remarks. Both have repeatedly denied his claims.
In his responses, the 71-year-old former cricket star did not specify what he wanted to discuss with the military.
Supporters of the Jamaat-e-Islami political party demonstrate outside the governor's palace in Karachi, Pakistan, on Saturday. Protests against inflated electricity bills have broken out in several cities across Pakistan, with demonstrators burning their monthly bills and demanding a reduction in prices and taxes. Photo: EPA-EFEOntal to dialogue with the military
The military, which has ruled Pakistan for more than half of its 76-year independent history, plays a dominant role in the politics and governance of the nation of 240 million people.
No Pakistani prime minister has completed his five-year term and most have served prison terms. Analysts say most of them were released after reaching deals with the military, a claim the military denies.
Khan, who lost power in a no-confidence vote in parliament after falling out with generals, has said the military supports what he calls the politically motivated prosecution of him, which the army has denied.
He added, however, that there would be no harm in engaging with the generals if he were released from prison and sought to return to power.
We are open to any dialogue that could help improve the dire situation in Pakistan, he said, adding that there was no point in opening such talks with the coalition government of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, which he said did not enjoy public support because it claims it won a stolen election in February.
The military, which has said Khan and his party were behind attacks on military installations last year during widespread protests against his detention, has previously ruled out talks with him.
Khan's imprisonment has added to political volatility in Pakistan, which is in the midst of a prolonged economic crisis and last month received a bailout from the International Monetary Fund.
Political instability since Khan left power has forced Islamabad to accept painful IMF fiscal consolidation demands, which have imposed heavy taxes on the people, analysts say.
The IMF has called for political stability to help put the $350 billion economy back on the path to recovery.
Khan has rejected the idea of reaching an amicable settlement with the government or the military unless they accept that his party, the PTI, won a majority in February's elections.
The elections were the most rigged in Pakistan's history, Khan said.
Sources 2/ https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/south-asia/article/3273169/ex-pm-pakistan-imran-khan-jailed-corruption-seeks-open-dialogue-army The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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