Pakistan reverses course after Arshad Nadeem's historic Olympic gold: From no money for tickets to $150 million in cash | Olympics
Pakistan has made a spectacular about-face when it comes to Arshad Nadeem. He was all alone, with very little support and training facilities. He even organised his trip to the Tokyo Games three years ago and came home fifth in the men’s javelin final – the first Pakistani to do so at the Games. His impressive exploits at the 2023 Hangzhou Asian Games, where he won gold by becoming the first Asian to break the 90m barrier, and then a historic silver at the World Athletics Championships in Budapest, were just enough for the Pakistani government to sponsor his air tickets to the 2024 Paris Olympics. Nadeem is the only Pakistani athlete whose travel has been sponsored by the government to this year’s Games.
Pakistan reverses course after Arshad Nadeem's historic Olympic gold: No money for plane tickets for 150 mln in cash (REUTERS)
Fast forward to the present. Things are a little different for Arshad Nadeem now. He is an Olympic champion, the first Pakistani to win an individual medal in athletics, let alone a gold medal. He achieved this feat by breaking the Olympic record for throwing 92.97m, beating the reigning champion Neeraj Chopra of India, who had to settle for silver.
Arshad Nadeem's historic medal, Pakistan's first since the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, has woken up many. The result? A flood of cash prizes and accolades.
Punjab (Pakistan) Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz announced a cash reward of Rs 100 million (Pakistani) for Nadeem. Similarly, the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Sindh government announced a reward of Rs 50 million for the athlete, while the Mayor of Sukkur city also announced a 'golden crown' for him.
Nawaz also said that a sports city named after the athlete would be built in his hometown of Khanewal in Punjab province.
Nadeem had to face financial as well as facility challenges that all non-cricketing athletes face in the country.
Even after winning a gold medal at the Commonwealth Games and a silver medal at the World Championships in 2022 and 2023, Arshad had to plead for a new javelin ahead of the Paris Olympics as his old one was worn out after years of use.
Perhaps that is why Arshad's first message to his parents from Paris on Thursday was that he is now determined to build a proper academy for athletes in or near his village.
Two sports facilities, one in Karachi and the other in Sukkur towns of Sindh, will also be named after Arshad Nadeem.
Throughout the day, Pakistani media carried congratulatory messages from President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, Director General of the Military Media Wing (ISPR), all provincial chief ministers and cabinet ministers for Nadeem's outstanding achievements.
Jailed former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan also congratulated Nadeem on his X account.
“Congratulations to Pakistani Olympic flag bearer Arshad Nadeem for his brilliant performance in the javelin which won him a gold medal for Pakistan. His persistence and perseverance have made him and the nation proud. This is the first time that a Pakistani has won an individual gold medal in athletics at the Olympics. He is an inspiration to our young generation,” Khan said.
Before Nadeem's victory, Pakistan had never won an individual gold medal at the Olympics.
Before that, only two Pakistani athletes had won individual medals of any colour: Mohammad Bashir's bronze in wrestling in 1960 and Hussain Shah's bronze in boxing in 1988.
Sources 2/ https://www.hindustantimes.com/sports/olympics/pakistans-stunning-u-turn-on-arshad-nadeem-after-historic-olympic-gold-from-no-money-for-tickets-to-150-million-cash-101723294129039.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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