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Sharif's PML-N rules out negotiations with Imran Khan's party

Sharif's PML-N rules out negotiations with Imran Khan's party



Islamabad, Aug 17 (PTI) Sharif's ruling PML-N on Saturday ruled out any negotiations with the main opposition party led by Imran Khan, saying the jailed former prime minister should take up the issue seriously. Irfan Siddiqui, a senator from the ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), was speaking to Dawn News channel when asked about Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party. We have repeatedly said, 'Alright, you have entered the House (Parliament) in any way, so at least sit together at this level and try to resolve your issues.' [But] They don’t want to talk, and we also thought that now we are not going to call them repeatedly on our rooftops and tell them to come and talk to us, Siddiqui said in the interview aired on Friday night. However, he went on to say that the PML-N and its coalition partners would consider whether or not to open the door for talks with the PTI if the party approached it seriously. The Pakistan government had last month announced a ban on Khan’s PTI. Khan, 71, has been lodged in Adiala Jail for a year now in connection with multiple cases against him. Earlier, when Khan’s PTI-backed candidates won the highest number of seats in the February general elections despite contesting as independents, with the party being denied an election symbol, Khan alleged that the PML-N and its coalition partners including the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) stole the mandate to grab power at the federal level. Relations between the PTI and the PML-N-led coalition government, already strained since Khan’s ouster in 2022, have become even more strained and the announcement of the PTI ban seems to be the proverbial final nail in the coffin. Senator Siddiqui stressed that the holding of a dialogue depends on when the PTI realises that we should not have discussions with the army but with politicians. He added that perhaps Mahmood Khan Achakzai, leader of the Pashtoonkhwa Milli Awami Party (PkMAP) and head of the opposition alliance, would succeed in ensuring that the PTI is the first to take a path out. [the PTI] It is necessary to understand that a dialogue between political parties is necessary. The problem is that one party does not want to discuss with you, and it is this party that was clearly visible behind May 9. [incidents]Siddiqui said, referring to the violent protests last year following Imran’s arrest. After Khan’s arrest in an accountability case last year, hundreds of thousands of his supporters and party workers vandalized a dozen military installations, including Jinnah House (Lahore Corps Commander’s house), Mianwali airbase and the ISI building in Faisalabad on May 9. The Army General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi was also attacked by mobs for the first time. While the PML-N has repeatedly offered dialogue to the PTI, the latter’s founder Khan has cited certain conditions, including the return of his stolen mandate, and preferred to hold talks with the military establishment. Earlier this month, senior PTI leader and lawmaker Ali Muhammad Khan indicated that his party could be open to negotiations with the PML-N, PPP and Muttahida Qaumi Movement Pakistan to resolve the ongoing tensions between the government and the opposition, provided the PTI’s demands are met. Speaking about the government’s decision to seek a ban on the PTI, Senator Siddiqui said that the role of the PTI cannot be that of a patriot [political] The role of this party cannot be termed as pro-Pakistan in any way, the senior PML-N MP said. Siddiqui then listed the PTI's letter to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the protests it held outside the Fund's office, the May 9 riots and the multiple resolutions passed in the US Congress. All these elements and ingredients are such that a decision can be taken. When the Awami National Party was banned, it did not take such steps. It did not carry out such attacks as the PTI did, the senator said.




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