Government says former intelligence chief was part of Imran-led plot – Pakistan

Information Minister says scope of investigation against Faiz will be widened, urges other institutions to follow army's example of personal accountabilityImran says transfer of former ISI chiefs to Peshawar corps was part of conspiracy against his governmentPML-N senator says talks with PTI will only be held if they show seriousness
ISLAMABAD: The government on Saturday accused PTI founder Imran Khan of masterminding a political conspiracy, along with a retired general and others, to create anarchy and discord in the country, with the Information Minister hinting that the scope of the investigation against General Faiz Hameed and his other co-conspirators would be widened in the coming days.
Meanwhile, just days after distancing himself from the former spymaster, who is currently facing court martial proceedings, Mr Khan appeared to endorse allegations that he and the retired general were close, claiming that the latter's transfer to the Peshawar corps was part of a plot against the PTI government.
Addressing a press conference on Saturday, the Information Minister said that following the arrest of General Faiz Hameeds, the army has conducted transparent investigations as it has its own internal accountability mechanism, adding that it believes in self-accountability.
Referring to the arrests made in this connection and hinting that further action would be taken in the coming days, the Information Minister claimed that Imran Khan had conspired with these people to spread anarchy in the country.
It was a political alliance, led by the PTI founder, which was linked to General Faiz and other accomplices, he said, adding that the scope of the investigation would certainly widen.
It does not matter whether someone is Saqib or Nisar, things will be done transparently, he said, referring to former CJP Saqib Nisar, whom the PML-N accuses of supporting the PTI regime and targeting its political opponents.
Mr Tarar claimed that evidence was surfacing that the PTI founder was in touch with these conspirators at the time of the no-confidence vote, and even after his incarceration, his messaging with this unholy political alliance continued.
He stressed that other institutions should also show the same spirit of responsibility that the army has demonstrated.
Faiz transfer plot against PTI
Meanwhile, speaking to the media after the hearing of the $190 million Adiala Jail corruption case, Imran Khan said he believed that the transfer of retired General Faiz Hameed from his post as Joint Intelligence chief to Peshawar Corps Commander was part of a plot to topple his regime.
Mr Khan claimed that this was done by former army chief Qamar Javed Bajwa at the request of Nawaz Sharif.
He said the PTI was still demanding a judicial inquiry into the May 9 incidents, but the establishment seemed reluctant.
He also said efforts were underway to secure a two-thirds majority for the ruling coalition and an extension of the term of the outgoing Supreme Court chief justice.
On Friday, Mr Khan also announced his intention to run for chancellor of Oxford University while in prison.
No talks until PTI is serious
PML-N Senator Irfan Siddiqui said his party would no longer repeatedly call the PTI for negotiations, while reiterating that the latter should approach it seriously.
In an interview with DawnNews, Mr Siddiqui said, “We have been saying many times that you have entered the House in any manner, so at least sit together at this level and try to resolve your issues.”
[But] They don't want to talk, and we also thought that from now on we will no longer call them repeatedly from our rooftops to come and talk to us, the politician added.
He, however, added that the PML-N and its coalition partners would consider whether to open the door for negotiations with the PTI if the latter approached it seriously.
The senator stressed that holding a dialogue depended on when the PTI understood that we should not talk with the army but with the politicians.
He added that perhaps Mahmood Khan Achakzai, chief of the Pashtunkhwa Milli Awami Party and leader of the opposition alliance, would succeed in doing so. [the PTI] understand that a dialogue between political parties was necessary.
Malik Asad in Islamabad also contributed to this report.
Published in Dawn, August 18, 2024
Sources 2/ https://www.dawn.com/news/1853037/govt-claims-ex-spy-chief-was-part-of-imran-led-conspiracy The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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