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Chinese official: Russia-China relations at unprecedented level

Chinese official: Russia-China relations at unprecedented level


On August 21, 2024, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Li Qiang in the Kremlin. As reported by China DailyChinese Premier Li Qiang arrived in Moscow on August 20, starting an official visit aimed at “advancing the enduring friendship and deepening mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Russia.” Li said he believes “the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for the new era will enjoy brighter prospects with joint efforts by both sides.”[1]

It is worth noting that this year marks the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. Li said that “over the past 75 years, the relations between the two countries have withstood the test of the changing international landscape and become more resilient with new vitality.”[2]

In Moscow, Li Qiang co-chaired the 29th regular meeting of the heads of government of China and Russia with Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. At the meeting, he said that “China is ready to work with Russia to strengthen all-round practical cooperation between the two countries and push the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era to a new level.”[3]

During the meeting, Mishustin said that Moscow and Beijing “must jointly defend their interests and the principles of the multipolar world order against the backdrop of pressure from Western sanctions.” “Western countries are trying to maintain their global dominance and contain the economic and technological potential of Russia and China,” Mishustin said. “That is why it is important to focus efforts on protecting our common interests, building a multipolar world order and strengthening coordination on international platforms,” ​​he stressed.[4]

Here is the transcript of the meeting in the Kremlin between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Li Qiang:[5]


Putin: “Our countries have developed large-scale joint plans and projects”

Vladimir Putin: “Friends,

“I am pleased to welcome you all, and in particular you, Mr. Prime Minister, for your first official visit to Moscow, leading a representative Chinese delegation.

“Our countries have developed large-scale joint plans and projects in the economic and humanitarian fields, which must continue for many years. Together with our friend President Xi Jinping, we established key reference points at our summits in Moscow and Beijing. These points were further consolidated by the agreements reached during our conversation in July, on the sidelines of the meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Astana. Please convey our friendly greetings and best wishes to President Xi, and we look forward to seeing him again in October at the BRICS summit in Kazan.

“We must not forget that October 2 marks the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between our countries. We will commemorate this important milestone as it deserves.

“I have been informed that today, during the regular meeting of the heads of government of Russia and China, you and Prime Minister Mishustin had a detailed discussion on the whole range of issues of trade, economic and humanitarian cooperation. A number of bilateral documents aimed at promoting beneficial cooperation were signed.

“We are delighted to welcome you here. Our trade relations are growing and prospering, thanks in part to the efforts of our Chinese friends. The attention and commitment shown by both governments to the development of trade and economic relations has yielded positive results.

“China regularly participates in the Eastern Economic Forum and we look forward to seeing the Chinese delegation led by Vice President of the People's Republic of China Han Zheng in Vladivostok in October. We hope he will attend the event.

“To welcome.”

Li Qiang: “We are ready to work with you to implement high-level decisions and expand our mutually beneficial multifaceted cooperation”

Li Qiang: “Mr. President Putin, I am pleased to meet you again.

“Let me begin by conveying the sincere greetings and best wishes of Chinese President Xi Jinping.

“This is my first visit to Russia as Premier of the Chinese State Council. Over the past two days, I have held several face-to-face meetings with my Russian colleagues, felt the optimism of the Russian people, and witnessed the country's dynamic socio-economic development.

“Under your wise leadership, Russia has continued to focus on promoting sustained economic growth over the past two years. In fact, your country’s GDP grew by 4.7 percent in the first six months of this year alone. It is never easy to achieve such a high rate, and as a close friend and ally, we can only welcome and deeply appreciate these achievements.

“The strategic leadership of President Xi Jinping and President Putin has guided China-Russia relations and elevated them to an unprecedented level. The two heads of state have met twice since the beginning of this year. Together, you launched the historic celebrations of the 75th anniversary of China-Russia diplomatic relations, outlining new plans and providing powerful impetus for deeper bilateral ties.

“Looking ahead, we are ready to work with you to implement high-level decisions and expand our multifaceted and mutually beneficial cooperation.

“I am at your disposal to discuss matters of mutual interest. Thank you.”

[1], August 20, 2024.

[2], August 20, 2024.

[3], August 22, 2024.

[4], August 22, 2024.

[5], August 21, 2024.




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