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Trump promises to 'take jobs from other countries' in economic speech

Trump promises to 'take jobs from other countries' in economic speech
Trump promises to 'take jobs from other countries' in economic speech


Donald Trump has vowed that the United States will take jobs from other countries if he returns to the White House, as he outlined plans to cut taxes and lower energy costs and regulations for manufacturers who make goods on American soil.

At a campaign rally in Savannah, Georgia, Trump promised a “manufacturing renaissance,” reiterating his promise to punish American companies that manufacture outside the United States and impose steep tariffs on foreign-made goods to protect American industries.

Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris have stepped up efforts to lay out their competing visions for the economy in the final stretch of the campaign, underscoring what voters see as a top concern in the 2024 election.

Harris is expected to unveil a new set of economic proposals in a major speech in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday.

Speaking to a crowd in Savannah, Trump went beyond his usual protectionist policies to raise the prospect of new trade battles.

Trump has said he would offer special federal zones with “ultra-low taxes and regulations” to companies that relocate to the United States, cut regulations and appoint a “manufacturing ambassador” to convince international companies to set up shop in the United States.

“With my plan, American workers will no longer be afraid of losing their jobs to foreign countries. Instead, foreign countries will be afraid of losing their jobs to the United States,” he said.

Trump has also previously proposed a 60% or higher tariff on Chinese goods and a 20% general tariff on imports from other countries, an aggressive policy that could raise prices for Americans, some economists say.

During his presidency, Trump imposed tariffs on some products imported from China. The Biden administration has kept some of those measures in place and announced new restrictions in some areas such as electric vehicles.

The former president sought to blame Democrats for rising inflation following the Covid pandemic, which has since subsided, as well as the high cost of food.

The consumer price index for food increased by 25% between 2019 and 2023, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Polls indicate that American voters are particularly concerned about the economy, and that more and more of them believe that Trump can handle it. Harris has made some progress, however.

According to a CBS News/YouGov poll of likely voters released this week, 53% of voters who prioritized the economy favored Trump over Harris, compared with 47%. But Harris has improved her rating since August, when only 43% of voters who prioritized the economy favored her.

Trump's visit to Georgia comes just after a New York Times/Siena College poll showed him slightly ahead in that state, as well as in the battleground states of Arizona and North Carolina.

Both candidates have devoted significant time and resources to their campaign in Georgia, as it could prove crucial to their path to the White House.

Although the Georgia speech was billed as an economic event, Trump devoted significant portions of his speech to other topics. He discussed the failed assassination attempt on him at a rally in Pennsylvania in July and the second alleged attempt in Florida this month. He praised the U.S. Secret Service, which has come under increased scrutiny over its ability to protect Trump.

He also attacked Harris, calling her “grossly incompetent” and saying she would “deindustrialize America and destroy our country.”

An hour before Trump's speech in Georgia, Harris' campaign held a news conference with American investor Mark Cuban, a long-time supporter of Democratic candidates.

Mr Cuban has criticized Mr Trump's proposals to impose tariffs on American companies that manufacture in countries like Mexico, saying it would hurt American businesses.

It just shows he doesn't think about these things, Cuban said.

Harris will return to another key state, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday to outline her own economic agenda.

The vice president has already outlined a series of economic proposals aimed at first-time buyers, including tax breaks for families and a ban on “price gouging” on food. She has called for a “first-ever” tax credit for builders of homes sold to first-time buyers, as well as down payment assistance of up to $25,000 for “qualifying” first-time buyers.

She told reporters Sunday that the plan would focus on investing “in the aspirations and ambitions of the American people while addressing the challenges they face.”




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