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Here's who's leading the key battlegrounds in the 2024 elections

Here's who's leading the key battlegrounds in the 2024 elections
Here's who's leading the key battlegrounds in the 2024 elections


Top line

Donald Trump in six of seven swing states, according to a poll released, narrowed the presidential race against Kamala Harris in two Democratic strongholds, Wisconsin and Michigan, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll released Saturday, as the campaigns are getting closer to election day without any clarity. leader in places likely to decide the election.

Former US President Donald Trump during a campaign rally at the Mosack Group warehouse on… [+] September 25, 2024 in Mint Hill, North Carolina. (Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

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Michigan: Harris is only one point ahead of Trump in the Times poll (48% to 47%). A Thursday poll by Bloomberg/Morning Consult gives him a 3-point advantage (50% to 47%), while an Emerson/Pollara poll gives both 50% lead.

Wisconsin: Harris is up two points (49% to 47%) in Wisconsin, according to the Times. She led 51% to 48%, according to Bloomberg/Morning Consult.

Pennsylvania: Harris is up five points here (51% to 46%) according to a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll of likely voters Thursday, while an Emerson College/Pollara Strategic Insights poll released a day earlier showed them tied. Harris led in two of the four surveys on September 19: by four points (50% to 46%) in a New York Times/Siena College survey, and by one point (48% to 47%) in a poll by Washington Post to registrants. while a Marist poll of likely voters shows them tied at 49% and an Emerson College poll of likely voters shows Trump up one point (48% to 47%).

Arizona: Harris leads by three points (50% to 47%), according to Bloomberg/Morning Consult, Trump and Harris both have 50% support in the Emerson/Pollara poll. Trump led by one point in a Marist poll of likely voters conducted Thursday (50% to 49%) and by five points in a New York Times/Siena poll released Monday.

Georgia: Trump and Harris are tied here at 49% in the Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll, with Harris up one point (51% to 49%) in the Emerson/Pollara poll. She led by four points (49% to 45%) in the Marist poll released Thursday and in the New York Times/Siena survey.

Nevada: The Bloomberg/Morning Consult survey shows Harris up seven points (52% to 45%), and they are tied at 50% in the Emerson/Pollara poll. They were tied at 48% in the September 19 Emerson poll.

North Carolina: Harris leads by two points (50% to 48%) in the Bloomberg/Morning Consult survey, and she and Trump are tied at 48% in a CNN/SSRS survey released Friday and at 50% in the Emerson/Pollara investigation. . They were tied at 49% in the latest Marist poll.

Large number

2. That's how many points Harris leads Trump by in the Real Clear Politics national polling average, while the FiveThirtyEights average shows her by 2.7 points.


Harris is receiving more support from younger, non-white and female voters who showed indecision about their support for Biden before he dropped out, according to a recent New York Times poll, which found that Harris had support from 84% of black voters in polls, a higher share of support than Biden had before he dropped out of the race in July.

Key context

Biden dropped out of the race on July 21, although he insisted he would continue his campaign amid an intra-party revolt following his June 27 debate. He immediately endorsed Harris, she announced her intention to seek the nomination and officially became the nominee during the first week of August when 99% of delegates voted for her in a virtual roll call. Before Biden withdrew from the race, polls consistently indicated that Trump would beat him in most battleground states, although Biden won six of seven (except North Carolina) in the election of 2020.

Further reading

Trump Vs. Harris 2024 Polls: Trump leads narrowly in most polls after Biden drops out (Forbes)

Trump's lead over Biden and Harris jumped after RNC, HarrisX/Forbes poll finds (Forbes)

Trump-Biden 2024 polls: here's who will win in the 6 states that will decide the election (Forbes)




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