Kamala Harris and Donald Trump gather in Wisconsin for the latest US election campaign | US Election News 2024
Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris and her Republican rival, Donald Trump, are targeting key states in a final bid to win over undecided voters as they continue to crisscross the United States ahead of Tuesday's election.
The two contenders, engaged in a tight race for the White House, will stage duels on Friday evening about 10 km apart in Milwaukee, the largest city in the battleground state of Wisconsin.
Milwaukee is home to the state's largest Democratic vote, but its conservative suburbs are where most Republicans live and are a critical area for Trump as he tries to reclaim the state he narrowly won in 2016 and lost in 2020.
Four of the last six presidential elections in Wisconsin have been decided by less than a percentage point, or fewer than 23,000 votes, and the race is just as close this time around.
After appearing Thursday with music star Jennifer Lopez at a campaign event in Las Vegas, Nevada, Harris will call on musicians such as GloRilla, the Isley Brothers and Flo Milli in Milwaukee. Grammy Award-winning rapper Cardi B, who has more than 200 million followers across social media platforms, was also scheduled to speak at the campaign event.
Trump, meanwhile, will return to Fiserv Forum, the venue where, in July, he formally accepted his party's presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention.
Previously, he made a campaign stop in Michigan, in Dearborn, a suburb of Detroit, which is home to a large Arab-American community.
When asked why Dearborn was important to him, the former president responded: We have a great feeling for Lebanon and I know so many people from Lebanon, Lebanese and the Muslim population. [like] Trump and I have a good relationship with them.
He said: We want their votes. We're looking for their votes, and I think we'll get their votes.
Trump also disparaged Harris and claimed that if he were elected to the White House again, there would be peace in the Middle East.
In comments that echo his claims about ending the conflict in Ukraine, he said bringing peace to the Middle East is possible, but not with the clowns you have running the United States right now.
Opinion polls, both nationally and in the seven closely divided battleground states, suggest the two candidates are virtually tied with four days until Election Day. More than 66 million people have already voted in advance.
Trump has focused his campaign on raising fears about violence he blames on immigrants and pessimism about the economy. The former president continues to falsely claim that his loss to President Joe Biden in 2020 was the result of widespread fraud in multiple states, and he and his supporters have spread baseless claims about that election in the swing state from Pennsylvania.
On Thursday, Trump escalated his baseless claims that investigations into suspicious voter registration forms were evidence of voter fraud. Some of his supporters also alleged voter suppression when long lines formed this week to receive mail-in ballots.
That sows the seeds of attempts to overturn an election, said Kyle Miller, a strategist with the advocacy group Protect Democracy. We saw it in 2020, and I think the lesson Trump and his allies have learned since then is that they need to plant these ideas early.
State officials and democracy advocates said the incidents show a system is working as intended. A judge extended the mail-in ballot deadline in Bucks County, north of Philadelphia, by three days after the Trump campaign sued over allegations that some voters were turned away before the deadline Tuesday.
Election officials discovered potentially fraudulent registrations in Lancaster and neighboring York counties, prompting investigations by local law enforcement. There is no evidence that the nominations resulted in illegal votes.
It's a sign that the safeguards built into our voter registration process are working, Al Schmidt, Pennsylvania's top elections official, told reporters this week.
Harris, meanwhile, warns against an authoritarian takeover, pledging to help the middle class and opposing Republican bans and restrictions on abortion.
The economy is one of voters' top concerns, with many complaining about inflation and wages not keeping up with rising prices.
Economists say the U.S. economy is actually in robust shape, ignoring the remaining impact of the coronavirus pandemic with low unemployment and strong growth. However, new figures released Friday showed considerably weaker job growth last month, with just 12,000 new jobs created.
Analysts largely attributed the situation to the impact of hurricanes and a strike by aerospace giant Boeing.
Sources 2/ https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/11/1/kamala-harris-donald-trump-rallying-in-wisconsin-in-final-us-election-push The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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