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News summary: While the government welcomes its visit to China, the opposition has a different opinion

News summary: While the government welcomes its visit to China, the opposition has a different opinion


A restaurant tip, Slovakia on a list of top destinations and who Slovaks would prefer to the White House.

Good evening. Here's the Monday, November 4 edition of Today in Slovakia – the essential news of the day in less than five minutes.

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One visit, two diametrically opposed visions

Slovaks will be able to travel and stay in China without a visa for a period of up to 15 days. Slovakia is ready to introduce direct flights between Bratislava and Beijing to facilitate these trips. This is just one of the many results of the official visit of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer) to China together with ministers and entrepreneurs. The objective of the visit is to confirm a new quality of bilateral relations between the two countries, according to the Prime Minister.

The Slovak delegation signed a total of 13 agreements and memorandums on economic cooperation, investment and industrial cooperation, green and low-carbon development, tourism, expanding cooperation on the express railway China-Europe, export of Slovak products, especially wine, cooperation between Slovak countries. and Chinese theaters, ballet, opera and music ensembles, as well as other cultural, artistic and educational institutions.

After meeting with Chinese President Xi-Jinping, Fico said both agreed that there was no chance of ending the war between Ukraine and Russia as long as the The former would continue to receive military and financial aid from the West.

Yet, under Fico, Slovakia exported more than 100 million weapons to its neighbor.

The Slovak Prime Minister believes that the Sino-Brazilian peace plan could help ensure peace in Ukraine and he plans to discuss it with the Brazilian side during his visit to Brazil in December.

Taking to social media, the Prime Minister added that the visit confirmed the new quality of bilateral relations between the two countries, with Environment Minister Tom Taraba (SNS candidate) calling it “extremely successful”, and with Finance Minister Ladislav Kamenick (Smer) stating that “this can bring economic benefits to Slovakia”.

The opposition, however, is of a different opinion, believing that this could have a negative impact on Slovakia in the long term, and subsequently castigated the visit. According to SaS MP Juraj Krpa, this trip will pose a great threat to Slovakia, especially economically. He particularly mentioned Poland, which canceled its cooperation with China three times, and Montenegro which asked the EU to help it repay its debt to China concerning the latter's construction of a highway. . Progressive Slovak MP Tefan Kiss said signing public-private partnership projects could lead to large debts and dependence on China.


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A restaurant to impress your guests

Some restaurants have a menu with so many options that you might have a hard time choosing. Other places focus on producing a few dishes but doing them well.

This French-style restaurant, located on a busy street in the Blumentl district, is very much the second type, writes Mark Taylor in his review.


Remembering the lack of freedom

Monday begins the 14th edition of the Slobody Festival (Freedom Festival), which will run until November 17. The objective of this multi-genre event, organized by the Institute of the Memory of Nations (PN), is to recall and analyze the period. when Slovakia was not a free country. There will be a showcase of films, concerts, exhibitions, theater performances, debates and much more. Entrance to individual locations is free. Learn more about the program here.


  • Nearly half of Slovaks would prefer Kamala Harris to be the next president of the United States, according to a survey by the AKO polling agency carried out for private television Joj 24. 49 percent think it would be better for the world, compared to 33 percent who were of the opposite opinion. Similar numbers emerged as to who would be best for the United States, Europe and Slovakia, respectively. Women chose Kamala Harris above average, while men chose Donald Trump. The survey took place from October 8 to 17 on a sample of 1,000 people. (I)
  • Political scientists, diplomats, journalists, sociologists, economists and other public figures protested the recent appearance of Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer) on Russian state television Rossiya-1 and launched a petition. They call on the Prime Minister and members of the government to understand that Slovakia is not their property and that, in the name of protecting it and that of “our people” against an independent investigation, as well as to ensure power , he decided to demolish the future. citizens and turn it into ruins. (SITA)
  • Slovak mountain rescuers on Saturday helped a group of Polish hikers without proper climbing equipment, stranded after the group leader fell and died at the Gerlachovsk summit.the highest of the High Tatras. Although his body was found the same day, due to bad weather conditions it was transported on Sunday. (HZS)
  • President Peter Pellegrini has rejected all applications from Slovak nationals to join the Ukrainian army, the president's office reported Monday. The president received a total of four requests on this subject, although one of them was filed during the term of Zuzana Aputov, Pellegrini's predecessor. Slovak citizens must apply to the president for permission to join the armed forces of another country. If they do so without permission, they risk criminal prosecution. (TASR)
  • Slovakia will need 50,000 to 77,000 employees in the renewable energy sector by 2030and the greatest number of workers will be needed for the production and installation of heat pumps, according to a recent study by the Slovak Sustainable Energy Association. (TASR)

WEATHER FOR TUESDAY: Sunny to partly cloudy, with fog or light cloud cover in places. Daily temperatures will rise between 6 C and 13 C. (SHM)


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