Imran will make a final call for protest this month: Gandapur – Pakistan

SWABI: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur has asked PTI workers to prepare for agitation at any cost for the release of party founder Imran Khan.
Addressing a public meeting on Saturday, Mr Gandapur urged party members to wait for the final call, which he said would be given by the jailed leader this month.
The rally, dubbed awami jirga, was held at a service area on the M1 Peshawar-Islamabad highway, about 13 km from Swabi town.
The meeting was earlier scheduled to be held in Peshawar, but the venue was changed as it was easily accessible to workers arriving from across the country, according to PTI leaders.
KP chief minister vows not to return until PTI founder is out of jail
In his typical Brandon style, Mr. Gandapur asked the workers to begin preparations for the new movement.
Let me convey a message from Imran Khan. Our leader told me that he would appeal for his release in November and that workers should start preparing.
Following this call, the workers will launch a movement which will end only with the release of Mr. Khan, the KP CM said.
Workers will only return home when this one goal is achieved.
Mr. Gandapur and other party leaders took an oath to fully comply with Mr. Khan's appeal and not return home without his release.
Party activists and leaders should tell their families that their stay will be long and they may not return until Mr Khan is released, the CM told the participants.
He pledged to increase pressure on the federal government to release Mr Khan, who has been imprisoned since August 2023.
SWABI: PTI supporters attend a rally on Saturday.Photo by writer
He warned the federal government to cease its actions against PTI leaders; otherwise, we would teach him a worthy lesson.
The mistreatment of our leader [Mr Khan]which has always remained peaceful, is unacceptable to us, he noted.
The CM appealed to party activists to be ready for ultimate sacrifice for the release of Mr Khan.
He said PTI's peace overtures were not reciprocated by the fake federal government and incarceration of more leaders would no longer be tolerated by PTI.
According to Mr. Gandapur, the action against the PTI leaders was being carried out as part of a well-planned strategy in which they are involved in false cases.
They [PTI leaders] sought justice, always remained peaceful and made enormous sacrifices for the welfare of the people, he added.
He said there was no other option but agitation as the whole of Pakistan turned towards PTI workers.
Challenge to the 26th Amendment
The gathering was also attended by PTI central leaders including President Advocate Gohar Ali Khan, Omar Ayub Khan, Asad Qaiser, Zartaj Gul Wazir, Hammad Azhar, legislators and provincial ministers.
Mr. Gohar announced that the PTI would soon challenge the 26th constitutional amendment in the Supreme Court.
He claimed that the PTI had opposed the amendments, which were made by the existing leaders only for their own interest.
He said the 26th Amendment destroyed the independence of the judiciary and destroyed the hope of citizens to get justice.
He appealed to the people to also join the PTI protest against the amendment.
In his speech, Mr. Ayub, the Leader of Opposition in the National Assembly, said the KP Chief Ministers' announcement should be followed in letter and spirit by PTI workers.
He said Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari and Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif were responsible for the inflation and disorder.
Mr. Qaiser, the former NA president, said the entire nation will have to come forward and support the PTI's new course of action.
The recent constitutional amendments do not seem acceptable to us, he said, adding that the attack on the KP house in Islamabad was, in fact, an attack on the people of KP.
Earlier this week, the provincial government decided to file an FIR against Islamabad police chief Ali Nasir Rizvi and 600 unidentified people under the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997, for carrying out an illegal raid in the KP house in the federal capital.
During the rally in Swabi, the speeches of the incarcerated PTI leader were also shown on the big screen.
Other leaders who spoke at the event included Mr Azhar, Ms Wazir and MPs Shahram Khan Tarakai and Sheikh Waqas Akram.
Published in Dawn, November 10, 2024
Sources 2/ https://www.dawn.com/news/1871370 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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