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Joe Biden and Xi Jinping will arrive in Lima to participate in the APEC 2024 forum

Joe Biden and Xi Jinping will arrive in Lima to participate in the APEC 2024 forum


Xi Jinping and Joe Biden confirmed their participation in the APEC Per 2024 forum.
Xi Jinping and Joe Biden confirmed their participation in the APEC Per 2024 forum.

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC) will take place in Lima during the week of November 11 to 16. At least 16 representatives from the alliance's member economies are expected to attend, including the President of the United States, Joe Bidenand the representative of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping.

Foreign Minister Elmer Schialer confirmed that Xi will arrive in the capital on Thursday, November 14. That same night, Air Force One will arrive with President Joe Biden. This will be one of the last official international activities of the Head of State before the change of command in January 2025.

Biden arrives on the evening of the 14th, he has a bilateral meeting with President Boluarte, among the multiple meetings, President Biden and President Boluarte will sit down to discuss bilateral situations in a very busy agenda. A significant number of North American and obviously Peruvian officials will be present, indicated the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Joe Biden, President of the United States, arrives in Peru as part of the APEC 2024 forum REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque.
Joe Biden, President of the United States, arrives in Peru as part of the APEC 2024 forum REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque.

The inauguration of the Chancay port was one of the most high-profile events in recent times, not least because it would have the presence of Xi Jinping. However, it has been confirmed that he will not travel north to Lima for the event, but will stay at the Government Palace.

It is the decision of China don't leave They have a series of laws that I am not going to address out of respect for the Chinese side, which made us see and understand that no matter how much they wanted to be present, it was not possible for reasons security, said the Chancellor. stressed.

The changes in plans come at a time when various unions are preparing to protest against the inaction of Dina Boluarte's government in the face of citizen insecurity. It's a real inauguration, because it will start operating, but it will be virtual. President Boluarte and President Xi Jinping will be at the Government Palace with a large group of Peruvian and Chinese citizens, Schialer said.

Meeting of Dina Boluarte and Xi Jinping during his state visit to China. Photo: Presidency Peru
Meeting of Dina Boluarte and Xi Jinping during his state visit to China. Photo: Presidency Peru

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum was founded in 1989 with the aim of promoting economic cooperation and growth in the region. The 21 economies that are part of the alliance represent a third of the world's population and 54% of global GDP.

Among the main topics discussed at the Lima meeting are inclusive growth, digitalization and formalization of the economy and sustainability. Peru has focused its agenda on socio-economic inclusion and empowerment through education and digital tools. Among its main proposals is the creation of a roadmap towards a global formal economy, aimed at both emerging and developed countries.

The APEC Per 2024 forum will be held from November 11 to 16 in Lima. (Capture: Full stop)
The APEC Per 2024 forum will be held from November 11 to 16 in Lima. (Capture: Full stop)

During the development of APEC, 1,300 business leaders from different countries will be received. The President of APEC Per 2024, Ambassador Carlos Chávez Tafur, said that the presence of businessmen shows the interest of the private sector in knowing Peruvian potential in various areas. Alfonso Bustamante, president of the National Confederation of Private Commercial Institutions (Confiep), highlighted that the countries that make up this bloc represent 56% of global GDP and cover half of the world's population, which testifies to the importance of the summit.

The APEC forum will run until November 16 and will result in street closures and the closure of a station on Lima Metro Line 1, so citizens are urged to take the necessary precautions.




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