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Joe Biden and Xi Jinping meet at the APEC summit in Peru, against a backdrop of domestic strikes and deployment of American troops.

Joe Biden and Xi Jinping meet at the APEC summit in Peru, against a backdrop of domestic strikes and deployment of American troops.


The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit hosted this week by the dictatorial regime of Dina Boluarte in Peru is overshadowed by the confrontation between American imperialism and the growing economic influence of China, which has become the main economic partner of the Peru and South America. in its entirety.

Chinese President Xi Jinping arrives in Peru for 2024 APEC summit [Photo: ANDINA/Vidal Tarqui]

President Joe Biden is attending what will be his last major international summit and will hold a bilateral meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday. Biden's presence already qualifies as militaristic fist-clenching, including his intention to complain to Xi about North Korean troops joining Russian forces fighting the US-NATO proxy regime in Ukraine .

Biden's visit is accompanied by 600 elite US troops, including snipers, two Black Hawk helicopters carrying heavy artillery and two 747 aerial refueling planes. The US soldiers and marines will join the 13,000 police officers and Peruvian soldiers deployed to patrol the summit.

The main target of this unusual show of force by the Pentagon is China, which has overtaken the economic position of American imperialism in what Washington has long contemptuously viewed as its own backyard.

The highlight of the economic forum was the inauguration of the Chancay mega seaport, owned and operated by the Chinese company Cosco Shipping, in the presence of Chinese President Xi Jinping and dozens of other heads of state.

The $1.3 billion port will change South America's geopolitical landscape and be the region's most significant addition to Beijing's Belt and Road Initiative.

It will soon be expanded to accommodate ships carrying up to 24,000 TEU containers, which is unique in the region, and will reduce shipping times to China by approximately 12 days. It provides an export route for Bolivia's strategic lithium, the world's largest reserves, while Brazilian exports to Asia can save up to 20 days via the new route.

Currently, 30 percent of Peru's exports go to China, more than double those to the United States, and 77 percent of its main exports, copper, go to China. China is also the largest source of foreign investment, accounting for around a quarter of accumulated foreign direct investment in the country, including in several of the largest copper mines.




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