What we should remember from Donald Trump's election victory
Trump's victory is a wake-up call. It’s time to regroup and get serious about the world we want to live in.
Dawn Butler is the Labor MP for Brent Central
I'm still in the early stages of processing the news of Donald Trump's victory in the US election.
I understand there has been an increase in Google searches on how to cancel my vote. The fact is that this is democracy. In the UK we are very fond of saying that the electorate is never wrong. I think if the number of people seeking to overturn their vote is true, then perhaps “ill-advised” might be a better word to use in this situation.
My only reservation to the above is that we need to listen to the people who were persuaded to vote for Trump. He will have his main supporters and that is democracy in action.
Trump has made it clear that there will be more chaos, more incompetence and more division.
My opinions on Trump are well documented and have not changed. Because they're based on things he said. I am very concerned, like so many others, that so many hard-won rights are once again under serious threat.
They say that when America sneezes, Britain catches a cold. I believe that. There is no doubt that the far right will feel emboldened by Trump's victory, not only in America, but also at home.
That is why we must be vigilant to ensure that the rights of women, vulnerable men and people from black and ethnic minorities are not eroded. I stand in solidarity with all those affected and worried.
There is no doubt that the UK must and must continue to work closely with the US on a range of issues from trade to defence. But that doesn't mean we have to agree with or support everything they do. We must be strong enough to be a critical friend.
The truth is that there may now be a void when it comes to defending important values such as equality, fairness, diversity, truth and democracy. The UK must defend these values around the world. The task before us will be unlike anything we have ever experienced with social media and global connections like no other.
We must defend the rights of women everywhere, including defending the freedom to choose. And we must stand up for LGBTQI+ people, many of whom now feel threatened. Because all the talk about going back to a time when women were in the kitchen, or when women had no say over their bodies, is a dangerous narrative that, if not challenged question, will gain momentum. Just look at the rise of INCELS.
The UK also has an important role to play in tackling climate change, which we know is far from a priority for Trump. We cannot allow the world to go backwards. Some may think they will live forever, the truth is we are in this world for such a short period of time, what are we leaving for the next generation?
And the UK must defend world peace. We do not yet know what Trump's victory means for the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, but the UK must continue to stand up for justice and international law.
I am so proud that, in the face of the Trump presidency, we have a Mayor of London in Sadiq Khan who will continue to fight for London's values. As Sadiq said, in London we are proud of our diversity, proud of the contribution of all our communities and proud of our spirit of unity.
I am a Londoner and I am proud that we are strong in our resolve, as demonstrated by the racists who threatened to gather in our streets. I am pleased that, whoever is President of the United States, our commitment to these values of openness and acceptance in London will not cease. And I certainly won’t hesitate to speak out.
I've suffered from a lot of negative headlines and threatening communications recently, and I know that's the price of being a straight-talker who tells it like it is, someone who doesn't back down. to difficult conversations. But that doesn't make things any easier.
People may not like it, or some people may like it. What I say may or may not be consistent with their thinking. For some, what I say may be a different and interesting way of looking at things. The reality is that I disagree with what someone else has said, I have not been aggressive or threatening, unless my very existence is a threat.
I am a civil rights activist. I have fought passionately for the rights of women, vulnerable men and black, Asian and minority ethnic people. I also fought to support men at risk of suicide; one of the main causes of death. And I have co-signed many debates to mark International Men's Day in Parliament.
I campaign for progress for all, because I always say that equality is equality, we cannot choose. We must fight for everyone's rights as if they were our own.
But to ensure this progress, we must be vigilant. So when we lay a brick to build a bridge, we must be vigilant about those who drop it. This is what the next four years could look like.
I want to get to a place where everyone accepts difference and doesn't just tolerate it. I hope for a world in which we learn to get along and celebrate each other's differences.
Politics is often so polarized that we resist a different point of view. Sometimes I'm guilty of getting so exasperated by an opposing point of view that I shut down. But this time I feel differently about the American elections because I feel something deeper is happening here.
We must recognize that Trump is a manifestation of men who feel powerless in a world of social progress. Some feel like things are being taken away from them, rather than accepting the change around them, whether it's women in leadership positions, greater diversity in the workforce- of work or women who control their own bodies.
We need to recognize that there is conflict over what masculinity looks like in the modern world, as some disaffected men feel emasculated and look for a Trump or an Andrew Tate to look up to. Outdated notions are perpetuated to support hierarchical control. I understand that some may look at Trump as president and think that if he can do it, so can I.
So the question is, how do we prevent the surge in support for Trump and Tate? We must integrate these particularly young minds.
It's time to stop assuming that everyone has a liberal way of thinking. We must promote good ethics and fight for our values, the British values – democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different beliefs and beliefs.
I would trade tolerance for acceptance, but it is important to celebrate our British values as loudly as possible and to the fullest, as the young people would say. We must also teach men about protecting women. Being a man is not about controlling a woman or beating her, it is about caring for her and protecting her.
And we need to send the message that the true mark of masculinity is protecting women, not making decisions for them. It’s time to re-educate what masculinity means. We also need to point out that pornographic websites do not represent what a romantic relationship looks like. With children as young as 11 years old accessing pornography, this conversation is long overdue.
As a techie, I understand that we need to tackle this problem now, as well as in the coming years, as technology and AI continue to develop at a rapid pace. The world is increasingly dangerous when it comes to violence against women and girls, and legislation and understanding in this area will be very important.
Trump's victory is a wake-up call. It’s time to regroup and get serious about the world we want to live in.
The UK can and must take the lead, where the US may fail over the next four years, by standing up for the values and principles that are so important to so many of us.
Image credit: Gage Skidmore – Creative Commons
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