Xi Jinping meets Joe Biden – Joe Biden and Xi Jinping agree on nuclear weapons control by humans, not AI

Outgoing US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping agreed on Sunday that the decision on the use of nuclear weapons should be made by humans and not artificial intelligence, as they stressed the need for military conduct responsible as technological progress accelerates.
At the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Peru, the two leaders also stressed the need to carefully assess potential risks and responsibly develop AI technology in the defense sector, the White House said.
“Both leaders affirmed the need to maintain human control over the decision to use nuclear weapons. Both leaders also stressed the need to carefully consider potential risks and develop AI technology in the field military in a prudent and responsible manner,” the statement said. House said in a statement.
Beijing is reportedly rapidly expanding its nuclear arsenal, while Washington has been pushing for months to overcome long-standing resistance to nuclear weapons negotiations. Sunday's discussions mark a first step of its kind between the two countries to address these concerns.
However, China has not commented on Xi's nuclear weapons discussions with Biden. The two countries briefly resumed formal nuclear weapons negotiations in November, but negotiations have since stalled, with the United States accusing China of a lack of responsiveness.
Beijing has 500 operational nuclear warheads and will likely deploy more than 1,000 by 2030, according to the U.S. Department of Defense.
Biden and Xi also stressed the global importance of maintaining stable relations between their nations. Looking ahead to the presidency of Donald Trump, known for his “America First” policy, Xi stressed that China is ready to cooperate with the new administration to ensure a smooth transition and mutual benefit.
“When the two countries treat each other as partners and friends, seek common ground while putting aside differences, and help each other succeed, our relations will see significant progress. But if we see each other as rivals or adversaries, if we pursue vicious competition and seek to harm each other, we will disrupt the relationship or even set it back,” Xi said.
He warned that a stable relationship between China and the United States was essential not only for the two nations, but also for the “future and destiny of humanity.” “Make the wise choice,” he warned, adding “Continue to explore the right way for two great countries to get along well.”
Without mentioning Trump by name, Xi appeared to express concern that the new president's protectionist rhetoric on the campaign trail could send U.S.-China relations into another valley.
“China is willing to work with a new U.S. administration to maintain communication, expand cooperation and manage differences to achieve a smooth transition of China-U.S. relations for the benefit of the two peoples,” Xi said.
On improving relations with China, Biden said: “I am very proud of the progress we have both made together. Our military communications on many levels, our leaders now speak to each other regularly. brought together experts from our countries to discuss risks and security.
However, there is considerable uncertainty about the future of U.S.-China relations under Trump, who campaigned on a promise to impose 60% tariffs on Chinese imports, noted the experts.
Biden also urged Xi to dissuade North Korea from further deepening its support for Russia's war against Ukraine and also discussed China's indirect support for Russia, human rights issues, technology and Taiwan.
Sources 2/ https://www.indiatoday.in/world/us-news/story/xi-jinping-cautions-us-meeting-biden-make-the-right-choice-donald-trump-2634591-2024-11-17 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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