Jon Jones retains UFC heavyweight title with spinning kick to stop Stipe Miocic and celebrates with President-elect Donald Trump
Jon Jones retained his UFC heavyweight title with an impressive spinning kick to stop Stipe Miocic in the third round of their fight at UFC 309 on Saturday at Madison Square Garden.
Jones had not fought since winning the title in his heavyweight debut in March last year, while for Miocic it was his first time in the octagon since 2021.
And there was little to separate the two veteran fighters in the first two rounds until the final seconds of the third when Jones produced a powerful spinning kick that hit Miocic in the stomach, knocking him over. pain.
The referee called off the fight and Jones celebrated retaining his title and his place as arguably the greatest mixed martial arts fighter of all time.
There had been a lot of talk about what Jones would do after this fight if he won, with his retirement, a unification fight against interim heavyweight champion Tom Aspinall, the British fighter was in attendance in New York and a blockbuster clash light heavyweight with Alex Pereira all the possibilities. .
And in the octagon, the 37-year-old played down the possibility of retirement.
I decided that maybe I wouldn't retire and would have some conversations to have with (UFC President) Dana (White) and (UFC Chief Business Officer) Hunter (Campbell). and we have some negotiations to do and if everything goes well, maybe well give you whatever you want to see, Jones told Joe Rogan.
When asked specifically what fight he would like next, Jones replied, “I know we have options and so I'm just going to see what Uncle Dana wants and what Uncle Hunter wants and you'll hear about it soon, I I'm sure of it.
For Miocic, it was the last fight of his storied UFC career as he announced his retirement at the age of 42 shortly after the defeat.
It was bad, I lost. I knew he was one of the best of all time. I came strong. I felt good. I was blocking and he hit me in the ribs, said the former two-time heavyweight champion.
I finished. I hang them up. I'm retiring, thank goodness.
Jones then praised Miocic effusively.
It's like fighting the Terminator, Jones said. It's very, very discouraging to hit someone who doesn't react. But this bullet in the body, no matter how hard you are, the liver, the liver.
Speaking in the Octagon afterwards, Jones also made particular mention of US President-elect Donald Trump, who was seated ringside alongside White and Elon Musk. He was also joined by Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Kid Rock.
White is a longtime friend of Trump. He spoke at the Republican National Convention in 2016, and did so again this year in Milwaukee, days after Trump survived an assassination attempt.
White support for Trump came as his campaign sought to appeal to young men who are irregular voters, and particularly to improve Republicans' traditionally poor share of black and Latino men.
Trump received loud cheers from the crowd as he was shown heading to his seat, with Jones imitating his now-famous dance after his victory.
After receiving his title belt, Jones walked to celebrate with Trump, shaking his hand and letting Trump hold the belt.
Sources 2/ https://www.cnn.com/2024/11/17/sport/jon-jones-stipe-miocic-donald-trump-spt-intl/index.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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