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Regular press conference by Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jians on November 21, 2024_Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China

Regular press conference by Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jians on November 21, 2024_Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China


China News Service: Can you share with us the details, results and highlights of President Xi Jinping's visit to Brazil? What are China's expectations for the future growth of Sino-Brazil relations?

Lin Jian: President Xi Jinping has just completed his state visit to Brazil. During the visit, the two presidents jointly announced that they will elevate China-Brazil relations to the status of a China-Brazil community with a shared future for a fairer world and a more sustainable planet, and promote synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and Brazil's development strategies. .

Presidents Xi Jinping and Luiz Incio Lula da Silva took stock of the past 50 years of Sino-Brazil relations and agreed that these relations are at their best period in history, growing stronger in terms of global, strategic and long-term importance, and has become an example of common progress, solidarity and cooperation among major developing countries. Strengthening bilateral ties and synergizing the development strategies of the two countries will certainly enable the two countries to continue the past achievements in their relations and usher in the next 50 golden years, as well as set an example for the countries of the South in quest for strength through unity and make new contributions to increasing the representation and voice of developing countries in global governance. President Xi also noted that next year will mark the 10th anniversary of the official launch of the China-CELAC Forum. China is ready to join hands with Brazil and other Latin American countries to take China-Latin America cooperation to new heights.

The two presidents signed the Joint Declaration between the People's Republic of China and the Federative Republic of Brazil on Jointly Building a China-Brazil Community with a Shared Future for a Fairer World and a More Sustainable Planet, and jointly attended the signing of the Plan. cooperation between the People's Republic of China and the Federative Republic of Brazil on the synergy of the Belt and Road Initiative with the growth acceleration program, the new Brazilian industry, the ecological transformation plan and the program on South American integration routes. The two sides also signed bilateral cooperation documents during the visit.

The king of football Pel once said that the best goal is always the next one. Likewise, the most wonderful chapter in Sino-Brazil relations is yet to come. Bearing in mind the future of humanity and the well-being of the people, China is willing to work with Brazil to continuously enrich the content of China-Brazil relations in the new era, safeguard true multilateralism and send a strong message of the new era. that we choose development over poverty, cooperation over confrontation and justice over hegemony, and that we join hands to make the world a better place.

RIA Novosti: Thomas Buchanan, senior representative of the American strategic command, said today that the United States does not want a nuclear war, but that in the event of an exchange of nuclear strikes, Washington would like to retain part of its arsenal to deter potential adversaries in the future. . I wonder what China's comment is on this?

Lin Jian: What the US official said shows the US's outdated mentality focused on pursuing hegemony and absolute strategic advantage. In recent years, the United States has continued to improve its nuclear triad, increasing the role of nuclear weapons in national security policies, strengthening nuclear sharing and extended deterrence with its allies, and promoting the forward deployment of medium-range missiles and anti-missile systems. These measures seriously disrupt global strategic balance and stability, intensify military competition and confrontation, and increase nuclear risks.

The United States should seriously assume its special and primary responsibility for nuclear disarmament, make drastic and substantial reductions in its nuclear arsenal, create the conditions necessary for the ultimate achievement of complete and thorough nuclear disarmament, and contribute to reduce strategic risks and maintain regional peace and stability.




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