The power of China and the conflict with the United States

When President-elect Donald Trump takes office for the second time in January 2025, one of the biggest foreign policy and economic issues he will face will be the relationship between the United States and China. It has long been a time full of conflict and tension.
In China, the United States and the rise of Xi JinpingFRONTLINE investigates China's emergence as one of the world's richest and most repressive countries, as well as the role of its longtime president, Xi Jinping.
Xi has presided over an increasingly antagonistic relationship with the United States since coming to power in 2012, and has also cracked down hard on internal dissent, said correspondent, producer and director Martin Smith. In the works for more than a year, our new documentary investigates how Xi works, why, and what's at stake as the next chapter in U.S.-China relations begins.
Because China has shut out international media, this two-hour documentary, made by the award-winning team of Smith, producer/director Marcela Gaviria and producer Brian Funck, draws on interviews with former members of the Chinese Communist Party and exiled human rights and democracy activists. , scholars, authors and journalists to trace the events that shaped Xi from his sending to the countryside to do forced labor during the Maoist revolution, to his joining the Chinese Communist Party and his rise through its leaders, right down to the way he tightened his grip. throughout his presidency.
The documentary will premiere November 26 on PBS and online. It features interviews with current and former U.S. government officials, including members of the first Trump administration who helped shape U.S. economic and national security policies toward China.
The documentary also offers a comprehensive overview of Xi's vision for China and the broader implications of his crackdown on Muslims in Xinjiang and his provocative ambitions for Taiwan.
He chose to embark on the path of consolidating power; the path of nationalism, says New York Times journalist Edward Wong, author of At the edge of the Empire.
The documentary is also timely. As Trump promises to impose higher tariffs on Chinese-made goods when he takes office, this documentary also probes the state of China's economy and its trade war with the United States.
If anyone believes they can stop China's steady economic growth, they are probably indulging in a fantasy, says Victor Gao, an unofficial spokesman for Xi's government.
As Trump's return to the Oval Office approaches, China, the US & the Rise of Xi Jinping offers a compelling look at China under Xi, the hostile relationship between China and the United States, its ramifications and what could follow.
China, the United States and the rise of Xi Jinping will be available to watch at pbs.org/frontline and in the PBS app starting November 26, 2024, at 7/6c. It will premiere on PBS stations (check local listings) and onFRONTLINE YouTube Channel that evening at 10/9c and will also be available on thePBS Documentary Main Video Channel.
Guest: Martin Smith is co-director, co-producer and correspondent for China, the United States and the rise of Xi Jinping. Smith's work for FRONTLINE has taken him to Afghanistan, China, Comoros, Colombia, Germany, India, Iraq, Kenya, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, in South Korea, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and Yemen. He has won every major television award, including two DuPont Columbia Gold Batons and four Emmy Awards. He is also a three-time recipient of the George Polk Award for Investigative Journalism and a four-time winner of the Writer's Guild Award.
This interview will be recorded on Monday November 25, 2024.
Sources 2/ https://www.tpr.org/podcast/the-source/2024-11-24/chinas-power-and-conflict-with-the-u-s The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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