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Imran Khan calls for fight to the end as Pakistan govt rules out talks | Imran Khan News

Imran Khan calls for fight to the end as Pakistan govt rules out talks | Imran Khan News


Islamabad, Pakistan Jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan urged his supporters to fight to the end as Pakistani authorities cracked down on protesters demanding his release.

Security forces clashed on Tuesday with supporters of the Khans Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party who broke through barriers as they marched towards the center of the locked-down capital, Islamabad, in an attempt to stage a sit-in -in.

Protesters are demanding the return of what they call a stolen mandate after February's elections, the release of political prisoners and the reversal of a constitutional amendment that allows a civilian government to use the military for power. help enforce law and order.

In a post on social media, Khan asked the protesters to remain peaceful and united, saying their struggle was for the survival and true freedom of Pakistan.

As tensions rose, the government dismissed any prospect of further dialogue with the PTI and accused Khan's wife, Bushra Bibi, of orchestrating the unrest.

The loss of life and economic damage in recent days rests squarely on the shoulders of one person, Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi said at a press conference Tuesday evening. She is entirely responsible for this chaos.

Led by Bibi, recently released from prison after nearly nine months of incarceration, a PTI convoy left on Sunday from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a northwestern province controlled by the PTI, with the aim of reaching the capital.

Despite numerous obstacles, including highway closures and shipping containers blocking roads, hundreds of PTI supporters on Tuesday morning reached D-Chowk, a site in Islamabad's heavily fortified Red Zone that houses government offices key, notably the presidency, the office of the Prime Minister. , the National Assembly and the Supreme Court as well as the diplomatic enclave.

Initially, security personnel at the site withdrew, allowing the crowd to climb on containers, chanting slogans and waving PTI flags.

However, members of the Rangers paramilitary unit quickly replaced the police and responded with live fire and tear gas, blanketing the area in thick smoke and forcing protesters to disperse. The PTI said two people were killed.

Paramilitary soldiers fire rubber bullets to disperse Khan's supporters in Islamabad [Irtisham Ahmed/AP Photo]

As night fell, authorities turned off streetlights, plunging the neighborhood into darkness and raising fears of a large-scale operation against protesters.

The PTI convoy was stationed less than 3 km (almost 2 miles) from D-Chowk.

Internet connectivity, meanwhile, remained spotty throughout the day for users in the city, with mobile data services completely inaccessible.

Bibi, who has so far maintained an apolitical but influential presence in Khan's life, delivered a number of short speeches throughout the day, calling on PTI supporters to stand firm.

Our protest will end only when Imran Khan is among us and tells us what to do next, she told her supporters, encouraging them to head towards D-Chowk.

Earlier in the day, Naqvi, the interior minister, alluded to Bibi when he claimed a hidden hand was sabotaging peaceful resolution efforts and pushing an anti-state agenda.

All of their leaders are keen to have peaceful dialogues, but there is a hidden hand that controls decision-making and has an anti-Pakistan agenda. In my experience, this hidden hand is behind all this chaos, Naqvi told reporters Tuesday morning.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has remained largely silent on the ongoing protests.

His only public action on Tuesday, besides his meeting with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, was to attend the funeral of three Rangers killed in a hit-and-run Monday evening.

The government blamed PTI supporters for the deaths, a claim the party vehemently denied. Separately, authorities said, a police officer also died Monday during clashes with demonstrators as they approached Islamabad.




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