Amid Xi Jinping's military purges, China's Defense Ministry has once again threatened to crush Taiwan.

China threatened this Thursday with definitely smash any attempt to independence from Taiwanwhile the president of the autonomous island, William To leaveis about to embark on a trip abroad.
Beijing warned that his Army is ready to take strong action against what it considers separatist maneuvers of Taiwanin a context of diplomatic tensions intensified on the next trip To leave to the nations of Peaceful with stops in the territories Americans.
The spokesperson for Chinese Ministry of Defense, Wu Qiandeclared at a press conference that his country's armed forces have the sacred mission of safeguarding national sovereignty and ensure that any attempt to independence from Taiwan be resolved firmly. “We firmly oppose any official interaction of the Taiwan region with any foreign country,” he stressed. Wuin reference to the international tour of To leave.
China considered Taiwan as part of its territory and affirms that the principle of a porcelain This is an international consensus. The spokesperson for Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mao Ningexpressed his rejection of the scales of To leave In Guam Yes Hawaiiterritories of USA. Any official contact by Taiwan with other countries constitutes a violation of the one-China principle. We urge the United States not to send the wrong signals to Taiwanese separatist forces.I say Mao.

Mao evaluated the plans To leave as political maneuvering and assured that its objective is to seek external support to promote independence of the island. These provocations will not succeed or change the international community's firm commitment to the one-China principle.go.
Taiwanese president will leave on Saturday November 30 on his first international trip since taking office in May. Visit the Marshall Islands, Tuvalu Yes Palauthree of 12 passports who still maintain formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan. According to Typethe aim of this trip is to strengthen diplomatic relations in the midst of a crisis pressure from China to isolate the island on the international stage.
Chancellor of the Exchequer of Taiwan, Lin Chia-lungwarned that Beijing could launch new military maneuvers to protest the trip To leave. We do not rule out the possibility of military exercises around the island, since China has responded in this way on similar occasions.I say Linen during a parliamentary appearance.

Since the coming to power of To leavehe Taiwan Ministry of National Defense reported more than 3,100 raids of Chinese military aircraft near the island, including 2,235 Taiwan Strait border violations and its Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ).
China increased military activity around Taiwan in recent years and has not excluded the use of force to claim the island. Beijing also blocked the participation of Type in many international forums and has significantly reduced its number of diplomatic allies.
In this context, the Chinese government install a Washington respect the principle of a porcelain no longer facilitates activities likely to encourage Taiwan's independence aspirations. Lai's possible move through Guam and Hawaii would essentially be an attempt to rely on outside forces to seek independence for Taiwan.he warned Mao Ning.

Amid tensions and threats against Taiwan, the Chinese Defense Ministry announced on Thursday that Admiral Miao Hua, a member of the powerful Central Military Commission (CMC), was under investigation for alleged serious violations of discipline.
Miao, director of the CMC's political work department, chaired by President Xi Jinping and which oversees the Asian country's People's Liberation Army (PLA), has been suspended from his post, the defense spokesperson said Wu Qian during a press briefing.
According to Wu, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has decided to suspend Miao pending investigation.
The announcement comes just one day after that of the British newspaper Financial Times will ensure that Defense Minister Dong Jun under investigation for alleged corruptioninformation that the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has indicated as unfounded.
Dong, 63 and appointed in December last year, replaced Gen. Li Shangfu, fired seven months after his appointment after a striking and unexplained absence from public life.
(With information from AFP and EFE)
Sources 2/ https://www.infobae.com/america/mundo/2024/11/28/en-medio-de-las-purgas-militares-de-xi-jinping-el-ministerio-de-defensa-de-china-volvio-a-amenazar-con-aplastar-a-taiwan/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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