Vikrant Massey following Imran Khan's path? 7 Actors Who Quit At The Peak Of Their Careers And Never Came Back | Bollywood

Vikrant Massey dropped a bombshell on his social media on Monday morning by announcing his retirement from acting at age 37. That doesn't make him the first actor to hang up his boots so soon. Here are 7 other actors who quit at the peak of their career, never to return, at least until now. (Also read Vikrant Massey quits acting: Here's how much his latest film The Sabarmati Report earned at the box office)
Vikrant Massey follows Imran Khan's path and announces early retirement of actor Imran Khan
Imran, nephew of actor Aamir Khan, made his debut in Abbas Tyrewala's 2008 romantic comedy Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na. After a successful debut, he had a series of failures, before bouncing back with I Hate Luv Storys (2010) and Delhi Belly (2011). However, a longer series of failures followed and he retired in 2015 with Nikkhil Advani's Katti Batti. Last year, a social media campaign demanded his return, post in which he did a few interviews, but has yet to announce his comeback film.
Imran Khan is looking for a project to make a comeback with. Zaira Wasim
Zaira Wasim made her debut with Nitesh Tiwari's 2016 hit wrestling drama, Dangal, in which she played the younger version of Fatima Sana Shaikh's character, Geeta Phogat. The film was produced and titled by Aamir Khan. She scored another blockbuster next year with Secret Supertar, also starring and produced by Aamir. However, she announced her retirement from acting in 2019, saying it conflicted with her faith. Her last release was Shonali Bose's The Sky Is Pink in the same year.
Zaira Wasim quit acting in 2019 Ayesha Takia
Ayesha Takia made her debut with Tarzan: The Wonder Car in 2004. She gained more attention with Dil Maange More (2004), Imtiaz Ali's 2005 directorial debut Socha Na Tha, and Nagesh Kukunoor's Dor ( 2006). Most of his films didn't work after that, except Prabhu Deva's 2009 blockbuster Wanted, starring Salman Khan. Soon after, she got married to Farhan Azmi and only appeared in a few unsuccessful films in 2011 and as a talent show host in 2012.
Ayesha Takia in a still from Wanted (2009); Ayesha Takia now Gayatri Joshi
Interestingly, Gayatri Joshi acted in only one film, which remains a cult hit till date. She starred alongside Shah Rukh Khan in Ashutosh Gowariker's social drama Swades in 2005. Immediately after, she married Vikas Oberoi, a promoter of Oberoi Construction, and retired from acting. Before her debut, she was a video jockey on Channel V and a popular model.
Gayatri Joshi made her debut opposite Shah Rukh Khan in Swades Shalini Ajith
Shalini, known as Baby Shalini early in her career, won the Kerala State Film Award for Best Child Artist for her 1983 debut film Ente Mamattikkuttiyammakku. She later also made her debut in Telugu and Tamil film industries. She started her career as a big actress in 1997. However, a few years later, Shalini met actor Ajith on the sets of Amarkalam. They got married the next year, after which she retired from acting, having completed a few pending projects.
Shalini married Ajith in 2000. Asin Asin got married to Micromax co-founder Rahul Sharma in 2016.
Asin starred in a number of Malayalam, Telugu and Tamil films from 2001 to 2008, including Pokkiri and Dasavathaaram. She made her Bollywood debut with AR Murugadoss' Ghajini, starring Aamir Khan, which was a remake of the original Ghajini (2005), which also starred Asin. She also scored more hits in the following years, like Ready, Housefull 2 and Bol Bachchan, before her farewell film, All Is Well (2015). She married Micromax co-founder Rahul Sharma in 2016 and was not seen on the silver screen again.
Sources 2/ https://www.hindustantimes.com/entertainment/bollywood/vikrant-massey-going-imran-khan-way-7-actors-who-quit-at-peak-of-career-never-came-back-101733129461373.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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