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“A dead Imran Khan is more dangerous than a living one”

“A dead Imran Khan is more dangerous than a living one”


Former Prime Minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Imran Khan may prove more dangerous dead than alive, so his well-being must be ensured.

This was suggested on Monday by Mahmood Khan Achakzai, presidential candidate, leader of the Pashtunkhwa Milli Awami Party (PkMAP) and head of the opposition alliance “Tehreek-e-Tahaffuz-e-Ain Pakistan”. He was addressing a large gathering at Sadiq Shaheed Football Ground in Quetta to mark the 51st death anniversary of Khan Abdul Samad Khan Achakzai (Khan Shaheed).

Achakzai paid tribute to Khan Shaheed and said he sacrificed his life for his principled political stand while facing opposition from powerful forces, including in Quetta, Peshawar and Kabul. He [Khan Shaheed] He never gave up on his ideology or the rights of Pashtuns, he said, adding that time had proven Khan Shaheed right for the stand he had taken. This is why, he said, Khan Shaheed continues to live in the hearts of millions of his followers, and this path will always remain alive.

Achakzai stressed that a popular political ideology and leader can never be eliminated. Today, Imran Khan is Pakistan's most popular political leader and his party secured a clear majority in the February 8, 2024 elections. The PkMAP leader lamented that PTI's mandate was stolen.

Even many seats that we won were taken away from us during this electoral looting, he said without specifying which seats his party would have unfairly lost.

Noting the current political impasse, he said jailing Imran Khan, his party leaders and workers, shooting peaceful protesters and killing innocent workers was not the solution. He proposed that Imran Khan be released and his stolen warrant returned to him.

He warned that a dead Imran Khan would be more dangerous than a living one.

Achakzai also warned the bureaucracy and security forces that they would have to pay a high price for following the illegal orders of an illegal government. The only solution to Pakistan's current crises lies in the supremacy of the people, the Constitution and the sovereignty of Parliament. To this end, a broad national dialogue was essential.

Internationally, Achakzai addressed world powers, declaring that instead of creating conflicting political and military blocs for political and economic monopolies, the international community should work to resolve disputes and move toward mutual cooperation for the well-being of humanity.

He stressed the importance of regional political stability and economic prosperity, urging countries in South and Central Asia, especially neighboring states, to end their conflicts and promote economic and cultural.

Regarding Afghanistan, Achakzai warned that instability in Afghanistan would not bring any benefit to Pakistan. Pakistan must participate in all necessary actions to ensure the territorial integrity, sovereignty and peace of Afghanistan.

Expressing concerns over the law and order situation prevailing in the Pashtun and Baloch dominated areas, Achakzai said that the resources of the Pashtun and Baloch should be practically recognized as their right, and they should benefit political and economic autonomy and an identity based on equality.

He further said that in Pishin district alone, some 125,000 acres of land were allotted to a Sahiwal resident, which caused political unrest and sense of deprivation across the Pashtun belt.

Achakzai further demanded that compensation be immediately paid to the families of the workers killed in Duki, Hernai, Sanjawi and Rahda Sham, as well as the owners of the trucks burned during coal transportation. The State must guarantee public order at all costs, he said.

He concluded by stating that if the State fails to fulfill its duty, the people and tribes reserve the right to take all necessary measures to safeguard their lives and properties.




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