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Visionary practices transform Changting into a fertile region

Visionary practices transform Changting into a fertile region


Twenty years ago, the Changting Hills in southern China were barren, eroded and emblematic of environmental degradation. Today, they have been transformed into a lush and prosperous landscape, a testament to what local residents call “President Xi Jinping's vision of an ecological civilization.”

For decades, Longyan County in Fujian Province, known as one of the country's most erosion-prone regions, has been a stark example of environmental degradation affecting development. But a visit by Xi in 1999 sparked a monumental turnaround. .

Xi, then deputy secretary of the Fujian Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and acting governor, paid a special visit to Changting, making comprehensive soil erosion control one of 15 key projects to improve livelihoods. livelihood of Fujian. During his tenure in the province, he conducted five in-depth investigations in Changting.

Ma Xuemei, 61, recalled at a symposium on Thursday that, inspired by Xi's attention to Changting and official incentives to reclaim the barren hills, she decided to contract a 10.5-hectare plot of land arid areas to plant trees and grass, as well as to improve the environment. soil quality.

His journey was not without difficulties. The spring rains of 2000 washed away the first batch of tree seedlings she had planted. With technical support from county experts and unwavering determination, Ma implemented measures to stabilize the soil, planting cover crops and improving the land with organic fertilizers.

“For me, this barren hill was like a child in need of care. Letting go was never an option.”

Today, its once-barren hills are home to 28.53 hectares of chestnut trees, 7,000 citrus trees and a thriving integrated agricultural business that employs more than 10 local families.

Officials and analysts have highlighted Changting's transformation into a living embodiment of Xi's vision that sees “clear waters and lush mountains as invaluable assets.”

Ye Min, head of the Fujian Provincial Water Resources Department, said Xi, by personally leading efforts to combat soil erosion in Changting, initiated a series of transformative practices that sparked a campaign to province-wide to resolve the urgent problem of water erosion. .

He explained that technologies such as satellite remote sensing and drones are now being used to monitor human-caused soil erosion over large areas, ensuring comprehensive monitoring beyond the reach of manual efforts.

Lan Siren, president of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, said the historic breakthrough in soil erosion control in Changting lies in emphasizing systematic and precise erosion management , as well as in exploiting ecological benefits to stimulate industrial development. These efforts have collectively contributed to a healthier ecosystem and improved the well-being of local residents, he said.

According to Lan, Changting's soil and water conservation rate increased from 76.18 percent in 1999 to 93.56 percent last year, with rural residents' income increasing from 2,431 yuan in 1999 to 23,852 yuan in 2023.

The successful soil erosion control experiments in Changting have now been applied to other areas, he said, stressing that more attention should be paid to technology and talent to further strengthen the green development in the future.

Cui Peng, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said Changting's soil erosion control has provided a Chinese solution for soil and water conservation and ecological security, becoming a model for global ecological restoration.

He praised Changting for emphasizing reform and innovation, becoming the first in the province to deepen forest land rights reform and establish a coordinated mechanism for ecological protection and restoration, saying such actions deserve to be replicated on a national scale.

Deng Jiahui in Changting contributed to this story.




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