Donald Trump promises to respond to the prices of EU reprisals as the trade war degenerates

US President Donald Trump said he would respond to European unions reprisal prices against his 25% import levies on steel and aluminum.
US President Donald Trump said he would respond to European unions reprisal prices as a world trade war degenerates.
He did not specify how he would react to the countermeasures but said, of course, I will answer, when he was asked Wednesday by journalists in the White House.
Trump threatened to double Canadian steel prices and 50% aluminum before retiring at a rate of 25% after Ontario has suspended electricity overload in the United States earlier in the day.
Response from business partners
Trump on Wednesday covered 25% on steel and aluminum to other countries, which caused immediate countermeasures of the EU and Canada.
The EU has struck import duties on 26 billion American products corresponding to the economic scope of American prices, marking major reprisal action at the recent climbing of the Trump administrations tariff.
The European Commission will resume countermeasures from 2018 to 2020 during the first term of Trumps against 8 billion American products on April 1, followed by a new package of prices on 18 billion tickets in mid-April.
In the press release, the European Commission said: the Commission regrets the American decision to impose such prices, considering them as unjustified, disturbing transatlantic and harmful trade for businesses and consumers, often resulting in higher prices.
He also added that the EU remains ready to work with the American administration to find a negotiated solution, and countermeasures can be reversed at any time if such a solution was found.
Canada responded with 25% of new prices on American manufacturing goods worth $ 30 billion Canadian dollars (19 billion), in force at midnight East (6 hours) on Thursday. The samples will correspond to the dollar of American prices for a dollar.
In total, countermeasures will have an impact on 12.6 billion Canadian dollars (8.05 billion) of steel products, 3 billion Canadian dollars (1.9 billion) aluminum and $ 14.2 billion Canadian dollars (9.1 billion) on other items. Canada is the largest steel exporter in the United States, followed by Mexico, Brazil and China in 2024.
Other countries have not taken immediate countermeasures against Trumps metal prices, but most have expressed a desire for dialogue.
British Prime Minister Keir Starmer said that Great Britain will keep all options on the table and negotiate an economic agreement that covers and understand prices if we are successful.
Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said that Trumps' prices are entirely unjustified and that Australia will pursue discussions for an exemption. China has not responded directly to the new prices, but said that the United States owed a big thank you because Beijing had managed to control the fentanyl trade.
World market rebound
The US scholarship markets have rebounded despite the recent climbing of the World Trade War following fresher and expected inflation data published on Wednesday.
The S&P 500 increased by around 0.5% after falling on an almost ractional territory this year, carried out by major technological actions. The US dollar has weakened for most of the G-10 group currencies on expectations that the Federal Reserve could reduce interest rates earlier due to economic concerns.
However, analysts have warned that the market rebound could be short -lived due to continuous uncertainties. Michael Brown, senior research analyst at Peppperstone, wrote in a note that he would continue to sell in the actions rally, expecting Gold to reach a new summit due to the feeling of risk.
However, European stock markets have continued to surpass global peers, driven by the expectations of the relaxation of budgetary rules for defense expenses.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Ukraine has accepted a 30-day cease-fire agreement with Russia, adding to optimism concerning block prospects. The euro fell slightly against the US dollar, but remained a four -month higher under 1.09.
Asian markets were mixed Thursday at the start of negotiations, with Japan Nikkei 225 and South Korea Kospi Rising, while the Australian ASX 200 and Chinas Hang Seng index continued to drop.
Sources 2/ https://www.euronews.com/business/2025/03/13/donald-trump-vows-to-respond-to-eu-retaliatory-tariffs-as-trade-war-escalates The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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