President XI Leadership and Hope for a fair world order

It is of public notoriety that the world is experiencing turbulent times, crises bursting one after the other. The global system, which was once a sign of hope, deteriorates. The structural imbalances of the global system and the selfishness of some powerful actors have exposed the world to an uncertain future. Western powers are determined to maintain their hegemony and operating system. They use all means to achieve their goals and ruthlessly use global institutions for their own advantage. For example, Bretton Woods institutions (BWI), formerly used to have relevance and global respect, have been transformed into facilitation tools to economically colonize the weak nations, which polarized the world.
Injustice and hegemonic aspiration force humans to live with fear and insecurities, which increase and aggravate over time. Technological progress (artificial intelligence) and climate change have introduced fear of the unknown to worsen the situation more. No one knows what's going and can happen.
However, leadership with wisdom, imagination, altruism and empathy can help the world to face challenges, strengthen multilateralism and maintain its existence. Unfortunately, such leadership has become a rare race, if not a missing breed. Politicians of mind and egocentric governing the world.
Hegemonic aspirations and a first mentality of my country dictate them. The strong man with characteristics of intimidation and coercive attitude has become the new mantra of leadership. These factors still complicate the situation and provide serious consequences for ordinary people. In this context, the world is looking for new leaders or champions that can save the global system and make it fair. The world is tired of intimidation and coercive measures.
President Xi Jinping planned this situation even before becoming the chief of Chinas Paramount. He was convinced that the existing global system was unfair, powerful countries exploited the system and weak countries had to face less good consequences.
In addition, intimidation, coarse moderation, exploitation or my interest is main slogans by powerful countries have had an impact on the system and weakened the confidence of small and weak countries. The eloquent promises of equity, respect for diversity, a system based on rules and rights and opportunities equal to each development and growth have proven empty talks. These factors and practices have given birth to confrontations and problems.
In this context, he designed China, in collaboration with Global South, must be a leading voice to reform the global system. China and the world of world should endeavor to create a system that favors dialogue on confrontation, win-win cooperation on a zero-sum game and level playground.
It attaches importance due to the principles of equity and equality without any prejudice. It aims to explore the establishment of inter-civilization dialogue networks to improve mutual learning and find new ways of cooperation. China being a major country, should carry out actions by sharing its experience, its prosperity and its cultural products to create a harmonious world.
He asked Chinese diplomats to become more active rather than taking lead in the reform of the global system in accordance with the Chinese philosophy of international relations. It is relevant to highlight the Chinese ontology of international relations is based on relations as opposed to Western ontology, which is based on things. Thus, it cancels exploitation, intimidation and promotes win-win cooperation and sustainable partnerships. However, he also ensures that China does not adopt hegemonic or intimidation behavior. Many experts believe that President XIS Vision has also launched the Chinese transition from the conservative, passive and discreet country to an assertive, proactive and high -level country.
Simultaneously, President Xi Jinping, in the continuation of his philosophy led by actions, not empty talks, launched several initiatives. In accordance with the Chinese philosophy of shared prosperity, peaceful coexistence, respect for sovereignty and non-interference, it targeted the most urgent problems, in particular those of the countries of the South.
He has identified the world, in particular weak countries, faces enormous investment gaps and has limited financial resources having an impact on their dream of sustainable development. Existing investment opportunities and financial avenues are of an exploiting nature and have an interest in capturing the market, not to help.
He has launched numerous initiatives, such as Belt and Road, Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank, and encouraged Chinese financial institutions to help the Nations of the South. China International Import Expo was created to share the Chinese development dividend and the benefits of a huge China market. It has also opened a new world to innovative companies to sell their products. To further deepen the efforts to share prosperity, he launched by investing in the well-being and prosperity of the countries of the South.
It began to strengthen institutions, such as South-South cooperation and six hundred development programs. In 2015, President XI promised $ 3 billion for the South-South Cooperation Fund and still supplied it with $ 1 billion. Later, he had the idea of Global Development Initiative, which is a very comprehensive and multi-maid development program. Chinese financial institutions have grouped and dedicated $ 10 billion on global development initiative, and more than 200 cooperation projects were included in the GDI project pool.
On the other hand, President XI is aware of the fact without protecting the environment and biodiversity and respect for the boundaries of nature, development and prosperity cannot be durable. In 2015, he promised $ 3.1 billion to establish the Cooperation Fund in South-South Climate China. In 2021, he promised $ 230 million to the Kunming Biodiversity Fund to protect biodiversity.
President XI also focuses on peaceful coexistence. He thinks that shared development and prosperity provide the foundations of lasting peace. Therefore, it recommends development holds the main key to resolving all conflicts. In addition, peace can only be sustainable if it is carried out thanks to coordinated and cooperative cooperation which responds to the concerns of all parties, not one. He presented Global Security Initiative, which is built on four pillars: common, complete, coordinated and sustainable security.
However, President XI believes that Chinese efforts will not have a significant impact unless they deal with the superiority complex, will not promote equity and respect diversity. He maintains that each country and civilization has played a role in the development and modernization of the world.
Therefore, all countries and civilizations have something to celebrate. He urged Chinese diplomats and political decision-makers to promote dialogue between countries and civilizations, denying the hegemonic and superiority complex, and creating opportunities for win-win cooperation. In addition, China must strive to cultivate the conditions of joint modernization of humanity and to respect the borders of nature. To consolidate efforts, he introduced the global initiative of civilization.
In conclusion, President XIS Vision of the creation of a peaceful, prosperous and fair world has drawn the attention of the world community, especially in the world South.
They believe that the President XIS Vision of global reforms can help create a fair world and based on actions, respectful of diversity and sovereignty and. This will bring humans to the center, not hegemonic interests. In addition, President XIS Vision is unique in a sense, it is not an empty talk show but concrete programs and actions, such as GDI, GSI, GCI, AIIB, BRI, CIIE, etc. In the end, the world will reach the objective of the cooperative cooperative, peace and sustainable prosperity. Thus, they started rallying around President XI and China.
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