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It is unlikely that the desire to lose interest in Russia and China is actually working, he could well turn against him

It is unlikely that the desire to lose interest in Russia and China is actually working, he could well turn against him



The United States is tilted for a rehearsal of SINO-RUSSE SPLIT?

In a October 31, 2024, Interview with the Pundit on the right Tucker CarlsonPresident Donald Trump argued that the United States under Joe Biden had, in his mind, mistakenly pushed China and Russia. The separation of the two powers would be a priority of his administration. I'm going to have to relax them, and I think I can do it too, said Trump.

Since his return to the White House, Trump is looking forward to Negotiate with RussiaIn the hope of quickly ending the war in Ukraine. A Interpretation of this Ukrainian policy is that it serves what Trump obtained in his comments to Carlson. Draw the United States from the European conflict and repair links with Russia, even if it means Throw Ukraine under the busCan be seen in the context of a change in the attention of the Americas to Chinese power.

Indeed, after a recent call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Trump told Fox News: As a student in history, that I am and I looked at it all the first thing you learn, it is that you do not want Russia and China to meet.

The story to which Trump is alluding to is the Nixon Age StrategyIn which the United States has sought to line up with China as a counterweight to the Soviet Union, encouraging a split between the two communist entities in the process.

However, if the creation of a crack between Moscow and Beijing is indeed the ultimate objective, prevails over the vision is, I believe, both naive and short -sighted. Not only Russia abandoned its relationship with China, but many in Beijing prevail over the treatment of the Russian -Ukraine war – and its foreign policy more broadly inasmuch as Projection of weakness, no strength.

A growing challenge

Although Russia and China have been at various times in the past of adversaries When this suited their interests, today's geopolitical landscape is different from the era of the Cold War in which A sino-Soviet split occurred. The two countries, whose relationship has continued to end since the fall of the Soviet Union, has increasingly shared the leader of major strategic objectives, among them, defy Western Liberal Order United States

The helmet men look at a stretch with mountains on the other side.
Soviet soldiers watched at the Chinese-Soviet border for a one-month conflict in 1969.
Keystone / Getty images

China and Russia have, in recent years, adopted an increasingly assertive position In projecting the military force: China in the Southern China Sea and around Taiwan, and Russia in former Soviet satellite states, including Ukraine.

In response, a unified position formed by Western governments To counter China and Russia, the challenge only brought together the two countries.

Besties forever?

In February 2022, just as Russia prepared its invasion of Ukraine, the presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping Announced a limitless friendship in a demonstration of unified intention against the West.

China has since become an essential partner for Russia, serving as its Top Trade Partner for imports and exports. In 2024, the bilateral trade between China and Russia reached a record for 237 billion dollarsAnd Russia is now based strongly on China as a key buyer of its oil and its gas. This growing economic interdependence gives China a considerable lever effect on Russia and makes it all American try to move away from Moscow of Economically unrealistic Beijing.

This does not mean that the Russian-Chinese relationship is inviolable; zones of Disatorium and Divergente Policy stay.

Indeed, there are areas that Trump could exploit if he should succeed in driving a gap between the two countries. For example, it could serve the interests of Russia to support American efforts to contain China and discourage expansionist trends in Beijing, as through strategic links with India, which The views of China with a certain alarm especially since there is still Contested territories along the Chinese-Russian border.

Putin knows who her real friends are

Putin is not naive. He knows that with Trump in power, the deep Western consensus against Russia, including a robust, if you flee, economic sanctions regime Don't go so early. In Trumps, the first mandate, the American president also seemed to make fun of Putin, but there is an argument that he was even more difficult for Russia, in terms of sanctions, than the administrations of Barack Obama or Joe Biden.

Thus, while Putin would gladly accept a peace agreement watered by Trump which sacrifices Ukraine interests in favor of Russia, this does not mean that it would rush to embrace a sort of appeal broader to unite against China. Putin will know to what extent Russia now depends economically on China, and substitute for him militarily. In the words of a Russian analyst, Moscow is now a vassal or, at best, a junior partner in Beijing.

Transactional weakness

China for its part Views Trumps Peace of peace with Russia and Ukraine As a sign of weakness that potentially undermines American nave towards China.

While some members of the US administration are undoubtedly Bellicians on the Secretary of State in China Marco Rubio See the country As the most powerful and dangerous threat to American prosperity, Trump himself was more ambivalent. He may have slapped new prices on China as part of a renewed trade war, but he also thought A meeting with President XI Jinping in an apparent opening.

Beijing recognizes Prevails over the transactional state of mindwhich prioritizes short -term tangible advantages on more foreseeable long -term strategic interests requiring supported investments.

This changes the calculation to find out if the United States may not want to bear the high costs of Taiwan's defense. Trump, in a deviation from his predecessor, has Failure to commit the country To defend Taiwan, the autonomous island claimed by Beijing.

Trump had rather indicated that if the Chinese government was to launch a military campaign to bring together Taiwan, he would rather opt for Economic measures such as prices and sanctions. Its apparent opening to the trade in the territory of Ukraine for peace has now made Taiwan concerned by the commitment of Washingtons to long -standing international standards.

Isolate the economy

China has learned another key lesson in Russian experience in Ukraine: the United States's economic sanctions regime has serious limits.

Even under swallowing Western sanctions, Russia was able to remain afloat by subterfuge and with the support of allies like China and North Korea. In addition, China remains much more economically linked to the West than in Russia, and its relatively dominant global economic position means that it has an important lever effect to combat efforts led by the United States to isolate the country on the economic level.

Indeed, as geopolitical tensions have prompted the West to gradually decing out from China in recent years, Beijing has adapted to the economic slowdown that has resulted in by prioritizing domestic consumption And make the economy more autonomous in the key sectors.

The image of two men in costume is indicated on objects on a glass table.
A souvenir merchant presents Matryoshka dolls featuring Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump.
Misha Friedman / Getty Images

This also partly reflects a significant global and cultural force of Chinas. Coupled with this was an inner push to win countries in the world in the world to Chinese position. Beijing officially obtained the mentions of 70 countries Recognize Taiwan as part of China.

Chinas turns to exploit a split?

As such, the Trumps plan to end the Russian-Ukraine war by promoting Russia in the hope of doing so in an anti-China is, I believe, likely to turn around.

Although Russia can itself respond to the concerns about the growth of the power of Chinas, the two countries have shared a strategic objective of challenging the international order led by the West and the deep economic dependence of Russia towards China makes any American attempt to divert Moscow from the unrealistic Beijing.

In addition, the Trumps approach exposes the vulnerabilities that China could exploit. Its transactional and isolationist foreign policy, as well as its Encouragement to right -wing parts In Europe, relations with the allies of the European Union can express and weaken confidence in American security commitments. Beijing, in turn, can consider this as a sign of decline in American influence, giving China more room for maneuver, significantly with regard to Taiwan.

Rather than increasing the chances of a Sino-Russian division, such a change could rather divide an already fragile Western coalition.




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