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Trump says he will block federal funds from "sanctuary" jurisdictions | Voice of america


WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump said Thursday he would withdraw money from so-called sanctuary jurisdictions after a US court decided that his administration could freeze federal enforcement funds law to states and cities that do not cooperate with federal immigration authorities.

The Republican president, who is seeking re-election in the November 3 elections, has taken a firm stance on legal and illegal immigration. His battle against Democrat-led "sanctuary" jurisdictions focuses on laws and policies that limit local cooperation in law enforcement with the United States federal government.

Immigration and customs enforcement officers (ICE).

Cities and states opposed to such cooperation say it may deter immigrants from coming forward to report crimes to law enforcement due to concerns about their status ;immigration.

Since the start of his administration, Trump has attempted to reduce specific law enforcement grants in places that do not meet ICE's requests for information, but his efforts have been challenged in court.

On February 26, the 2nd U.S. Court of Appeal in Manhattan ruled in favor of the administration and declared that the funding cuts were valid. But three other federal courts of appeal have ruled against the freezing of such funds, creating a possible appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States.

Trump in a tweet said he would go ahead with the cuts.

"In accordance with a recent Federal Court decision, the federal government will withhold funds from the sanctuary cities. They should change status and not be sanctuaries. Do not protect criminals!" Trump tweeted on Thursday, although he gave no further details.

One such "sanctuary" policy that the administration objects to is the refusal of local prisons to keep immigrants in the country illegally in detention beyond their scheduled hours of release so that those responsible for the & # 39; ICE can recover them and process them for eviction.

Some officials in non-cooperative jurisdictions argue that the requests are voluntary and honoring such "detained" requests means detaining people without a constitutionally valid reason.

The 2nd Circuit quashed a lower court order ordering the release of federal funds in New York and the states of New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Virginia and Washington.

Three federal courts of appeal in Chicago, Philadelphia and San Francisco have confirmed injunctions prohibiting the application of at least some of the conditions of the administration on the funds.

In addition to funding threats, the administration is now opening new fronts in the battle against cities, prosecuting and issuing subpoenas in what Attorney General William Barr called a "significant escalation" in the fight against non-cooperative jurisdictions.

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