Boris Johnson urged to ban plastic waste exports as majority of Britons opposed

Prime Minister accused of “offering half-measures” as campaigners call on him to bring plastic waste crisis under control
Wasteminster is the launch film for Greenpeace’s 2021 campaign against UK waste exports to other countries. Voiced by impressionists Matt Forde and Jon Culshaw, the film features Boris Johnson engulfed in a wave of plastic during a speech in Downing Street. Producers Park Village and Studio Birthplace used a bespoke VFX simulation to create the dynamic flow of 1.8 million kilograms of plastic – the amount of waste the UK exports to other countries every day. Image Credit: Greenpeace
The vast majority of Britons are concerned about plastic waste and want the government to do more to tackle the problem, according to a new study by environmental activists Greenpeace, as the campaign group stepped up its campaign to highlight the amount of plastic.
Over 85 percent of the public arAccording to the study conducted by YouGov, plastic waste is worried and 81% said the government should do more to address the problem.
Greenpeace hopes to draw attention to the environmental impact of plastic and that hundreds of thousands of tonnes exported from the UK are dumped and burned in countries like Turkey.
The plastic we wash and carefully sort for recycling is shipped to other countries where it overwhelms their waste management systems and much of it ends up illegally dumped or burned, poisoning local people and polluting oceans and rivers, a said Sam Chetan-Welsh, political activist. at Greenpeace.
The government could put a stop to this, but so far Boris Johnson is only offering half measures.
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A new video produced as part of the campaign, titled Wasteminster, shows Boris Johnson at a press conference in Downing Street before a plastic dam poured out from above, flooding the street and taking Johnson and the Minister Michael Gove, which are voiced by the Impressionists. Matt Forde and Jon Culshaw.
The video was released alongside a new report, Trashed, which revealed how the UK is dumping plastic waste around the world.
Investigators documented piles of plastic waste dumped by the side of the road, in fields or flowing into waterways and floating downstream in Adana province in southwest Turkey.
The organization said it had provided new evidence that the government was not meeting its environmental commitments and breaking the law on the export of plastic.
Peter Andrews, sustainability manager at the British Retail Consortium, which represents the retail industry, said: “Retailers are shocked by these reports. They take their responsibility to fight plastic pollution seriously and invest millions in reducing plastic waste.
So it’s incredibly frustrating to discover that some waste managers in the supply chain are not acting responsibly, and it highlights the urgent need to fix the UK’s recycling infrastructure and regulate those who do. manage the county’s waste.

Yenidam, Seyhan, Adana Province, Turkey. Investigation of discarded and burnt plastic waste in Turkey. The team found plastic packaging from UK, German and global food and drink brands and supermarkets. Image Credit: Greenpeace
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Yenidam, Seyhan, Adana Province, Turkey. Investigation of discarded and burnt plastic waste in Turkey. The team found plastic packaging from UK, German and global food and drink brands and supermarkets. Image Credit: Greenpeace
The YouGov poll also found that 62% of people support the UK government to stop exports of plastic waste from the UK to other countries.
Greenpeace is calling for a complete ban on all exports of plastic waste and for legislation to force UK companies to reduce the amount of plastic they produce.
Nina Schrank, plastics campaign manager at Greenpeace UK, added: It is appalling to see plastic from UK supermarket shelves ending up 3,000 kilometers away in flaming piles on Turkish roadsides.
We must stop dumping our plastic waste on other countries.
This powerful film shows the shocking truth about what happens to plastic which the government says is recycled but exported to other countries.
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