Cricket news 2021: Australian legend Alan Davidson dies aged 92
The Australian cricket community mourns the death of Test legend Alan Davidson, who passed away on Saturday at the age of 92.
The Australian cricket community mourns the death of Test legend Alan Davidson, who passed away on Saturday morning at the age of 92, surrounded by family.
Davidson represented Australia in 44 Test matches between 1953 and 1963, taking 186 wickets at 20.53 – the second lowest average for any Test bowler with at least 150 wickets – and scoring 1,328 runs with a top score of 80.
The all-rounder also had a stellar first-class career with New South Wales, scoring 2360 runs and claiming 246 wickets in the Sheffield Shield.
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Davidson was the first cricketer to score 100 runs and take 10 wickets in the same test, a feat he achieved while playing with a broken finger in the infamous tie-breaker test against the West Indies in December 1960.
He also worked as a sports administrator and benefactor after his retirement from the game, serving as president of Cricket NSW for 33 years, as a trustee of Sydney Cricket Ground for 20 years and as an Australian test selector for five years.
Davidson is a member of the Sport Australia Hall of Fame and the ICC Hall of Fame. He was also appointed to the Order of the British Empire (MBE) in 1964 and awarded the Order of Australia (AM) in 1987.
Cricket Australia chairman Richard Freudenstein said in a statement: “The passing of Alan Davidson is a sad moment for Australian cricket and cricket around the world.
“Alan was a colossal figure in our game, not only as one of the best players to represent Australia and NSW, but also because of the positive influence he exerted throughout the game as an administrator, mentor and benefactor.
“The sheer skill and boundless spirit with which Alan embraced cricket and life epitomized everything that is great about the game. He will continue to be a shining example for every player who follows in his footsteps.
“On behalf of Cricket Australia and all those who have benefited from Alan’s tremendous contribution to Australian cricket, I extend my deepest condolences to the Davidson family and also to Alan’s many close friends, colleagues and former teammates.”
Less than 24 hours earlier, it was announced that former Australian Test spinner Ashley Mallett had passed away at the age of 76.
Robert Craddock of the Courier-Mail tweeted: “Brutal 24 hours for Australian cricket losing Ashley Mallett and Alan Davidson. Wonderful cricketers. Fine men.”
Former Australian captain Lisa Sthalekar wrote: “This makes me sad, even though I know Davo had a great turn of 92. I always loved seeing him on different functions. Such a huge personality in the game, who loved the game and everyone involved. You will be missed.”
As a tribute to Davidson and Mallett, New South Wales spinner Nathan Lyon wore a black armband on Saturday during his innings against Victoria at Drummoyne Oval.
Meanwhile, the flag will hang at half-mast atop the SCG’s Members’ Pavilion on Saturday in tribute to Davidson, who claimed a wicket with his eventual delivery in Test cricket at the Sydney venue.
Cricket NSW chief executive Lee Germon said in a statement: “Alan Davidson was one of New South Wales’ greatest cricketers ever and we are deeply saddened to hear of his passing.
“From everyone at Cricket NSW and everyone who has benefited from Alan’s tremendous contribution to the sport, I would like to convey my condolences to his family and friends.
“Alan’s involvement in cricket was far greater than just his outstanding career and his legacy will live on in the state for many years to come.
“He was a great player, manager, mentor and benefactor, but above all he was a lord of the game.”
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