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Hamish More: Former Heriots and Scotland cricketer dies aged 81


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Hamish More started his cricket career at George Heriot’s School in Edinburgh

Over a career spanning five decades, he scored 1,947 runs for Scotland in his 45 appearances from 1966 to 1980.

Although he retired from league cricket at the age of 53, he continued to play for various sides well into his 70s on weekday and Sunday games.

In all, he estimated that he played more than 1,300 games during his career, including more than 350 games for the MCC, and scored 40 centuries at senior club level or above.

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Hamish Meer

Twenty-four of these were for Heriots, of whom he was captain for 13 seasons.

The club said in a statement: Heriots Cricket Club is deeply saddened by the loss of one of its best ever servants at Hamish K. More.

His cricketing talent has contributed immensely to the success of both the club and the country. He was an outstanding stud and his presence will be greatly missed at Goldenacre.

Cricket Scotland said in a statement: Everyone at Cricket Scotland sends their condolences to the family and friends of Hamish More who passed away this weekend. A great personality in Scottish Cricket, he will be missed by many.

He was an all-rounder, able to bat, bowl and keep wicket. He started the game at George Heriots School and graduated from their former student side and the East of Scotland representative team when he left the school.

More was a sparkling club form in 1964 and 1965, including a then East of Scotland League record of 149 not out against the Grange.

After a spell in Somerset, he won his first full Scotland cap in 1966, scoring 50 against Cambridge University.

I had to score 13 centuries for my first cap and the reason for that was because I kept telling voters not to pick their noses, he later guessed.

Over the next ten years, he played more games (42 out of a possible 44) and scored more points than any other Scottish player of the era.

Family tragedy forced More to step back from representative cricket in 1976.

My wife, Marie, was diagnosed with terminal cancer and because I had to care for her and two children under six, I was unable to practice, although I continued to play on Saturdays, he explained in an interview last year.

As my batting form had deteriorated, I decided that I could not do myself or the team justice by continuing as lead batsman, so I informed the voters and stopped playing international cricket.

Four years later, when my children were older, I resumed training and returned briefly at the age of 40, playing three games for Scotland in 1980, their first year competing in the Benson & Hedges Cup.

More played alongside Fred Truman and Sir Garry Sobers, and against Ian Botham and Viv Richards.

He also had a stint as a selector for the Scotland national team in the late 1980s.

At his peak, he was our leading hitter, there’s no question about that, says Goddard, who captained Scotland from 1974 to 1980. he was a really solid opening batsman. He may have rubbed a few people the wrong way at times, but there was no doubt about his ability.

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