CFB world slammed Nick Saban ‘parity’ comment

Nick Saban may have some explaining to do. The GOAT is rightly concerned about some developments in college football that it believes are not good for the future of the game.
He spoke to Paul Finebaum about those concerns and his choice of words sparked a response.
One comment pointed out that Alabama Crimson Tide’s current winning streaks over other SEC teams show that the word parity is incorrect.
Former Alabama assistant and Ole Miss head coach, Lane Kiffin also agreed to a gentle reprimand.
Nick Saban is human and has a right to make a mistake and not be ashamed of it. The concerns he has for college football are genuine. It’s clear he believes unfettered NIL deals used to recruit players will hurt the game he loves. Nick Saban also believes that an almost no-rules free agency, with fewer restrictions than the NFL, makes programs less even when it comes to putting together rosters.
The fact that Saban and Alabama have mastered the new transfer area quickly does not mean that Saban thinks it is well structured.
Many Alabama football fans agree with Saban on these issues. So are fans, coaches and administrators of many other schools. The NCAA has failed all college football, and the resulting unencumbered use of NIL deals and massive roster turnover through the Transfer Portal is the result.
Nick Saban has a point
Like most people, Nick Saban does not strive for equal outcomes. What he’s looking for is a counterbalance that regains a greater degree of roster stability for teams. In addition, he believes that using NIL to compensate athletes should not be associated with recruitment.
Nick Saban is not wrong. He simply chose the wrong word to explain his concerns.
Going back to Bratton’s tweet above, it’s misleading to indicate a winning streak, as the 15 games over Tennessee point to unfairness. The Tennessee program has not lost to the Crimson Tide 15 times in a row due to resource disparity. It has lost so long because while the Crimson Tide has successfully managed and maximized its program, the Vols have been a case study of getting things wrong.
One negative view of what Saban said is accurate. It is historically correct that college football has never had parity. But that history doesn’t mean that no problem should ever be held accountable to a standard of what’s best for the game of college football. If the NCAA had done more of that (some say that), the game wouldn’t be experiencing today’s upheavals.
It will be interesting to see how much Nick Saban clarifies his parity comment. Perhaps it would have been enough just to explain a better word.
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