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Carlos Alcaraz’s VERY supportive father was a promising tennis player

Carlos Alcaraz’s VERY supportive father was a promising tennis player



He will face Novak Djokovic in the Wimbledon final – and whatever the outcome, he will be known as a tennis great.

But it seems that Carlos Alcaraz’s talent is partly in his genes, as the 20-year-old Spaniard lost his father, Carlos Alcaraz Snr.

Carlos Snr was once a promising tennis player himself in the early 1990s – indeed he was among the top 40 players in Spain. But unfortunately, a lack of funding meant he most likely never reached his full potential.

According to The sunCarlos Snr instead had to find real satisfaction in his son’s success as he was a coach, mentor and constant support for the world number 1.

Living in thevillage of El Palmar along the coast of the popular holiday destination of Alicante, Alcaraz began playing at a local club – the Real Sociedad Club de Campo de Murcia – of which his father was a director.

Spain's Carlos Alcaraz poses with the winner's trophy next to father, Carlos Snr.  after beating Australia's Alex De Minaur in the men's singles final at Queens 2023

Spain’s Carlos Alcaraz poses with the winner’s trophy next to father, Carlos Snr. after beating Australia’s Alex De Minaur in the men’s singles final at Queens 2023

The club has slowly developed into a popular training ground and features 13 clay tennis courts, a swimming pool, basketball courts and a shooting range.

In addition, it has ties to Carlos’ grandfather – also Carlos – who according to The protectorAlsolearned to play tennis there and played a key role in its development.

It was in this club that the family would spend much of their time. After long days working as a real estate agent, Alcaraz senior played with his son as the sun went down.

And he also shouted advice from the sidelines when his son played matches against older and tougher opponents.

Eager to succeed, and recognizing his early talent, he started tooGuiding Carlos to a number of tennis events, including the ATP 1000 Madrid Masters.

But it wasn’t until a lender arrived that the future began to look bright.

Because – in the blink of an eye – Carlos won the financial backing from Alfonso Lopez Rueda, the tennis-loving president of Spanish cake and yogurt giant Postres Reina.

Alfonso Lopez Rueda, who lived nearby, became a regular at the sports club and enjoyed the clay courts.

Carlos Alcaraz's father Carlos Alcaraz Snr and Carlos' younger brother watch Wimbledon on day 6 - 2023

Carlos Alcaraz’s father Carlos Alcaraz Snr and Carlos’ younger brother watch Wimbledon on day 6 – 2023

Carlos Alcaraz of Spain with his father Carlos Snr, his mother Virginia Garfia and brother Alvaro Alcaraz after winning the men's singles final against Jan-Lennard Struff in Madrid in May

Carlos Alcaraz of Spain with his father Carlos Snr, his mother Virginia Garfia and brother Alvaro Alcaraz after winning the men’s singles final against Jan-Lennard Struff in Madrid in May

And when he saw itPlaying Carlos, he was so impressive, he put up 2,000 for Alcaraz to travel to a junior tournament in Croatia.

He lost in the final, but Postres Reina continued to fund him until he turned pro, with their logo on his sleeve.

Those tournaments and funding propelled the Spanish phenomenon to fame.

However, it was in 2018 – just five years ago – when Carlos Snr helped his son take a big step forward in his career.

His son signed for Carlos Snron Juan’s Sport Academy with Juan Carlos Ferrera, a former number one player in the world – who sacrifices his own role.

Juan then became Carlos’ new coach and helped improve his technique. Yet, Carlos still credits his father – who works as a real estate agent – for helping him get to where he is today.

In ainterview with Espana Diario about his father: “He knows a lot about tennis…My father played very well, everyone who faced him says that, but he didn’t get the chance to grow.’

However, it is not only Carlos’ father who was involved in his success.

Spain's Alcaraz poses with the trophy next to his father after beating Alex De Minaur

Spain’s Alcaraz poses with the trophy next to his father after beating Alex De Minaur

His mother is Virginia Garfia Escandn – who married Carlos Snr when they were both in their twenties. Although she is not into sports herself, she is often seen at her son’s tournaments.

She has watched him achieve successes – including making it to the Australian Open and reaching the third round before becoming the youngest ever match winner at the Madrid Open at age 17, breaking a record held by none other than compatriot Rafael Nadal.

She was there when he achieved his historic victory at the US Open Championships in 2022.

However, she still lives a modest lifestyle and until recently she reportedly worked as an assistant at IKEA, according to The mirror.

The stability of family life has undoubtedly helped Carlos with his success – and he also has three brothers named Alvaro, Sergio and Jaime.

His older brother Alvaro is said to be an actor, while his two younger brothers Sergio and Jaime Alcaraz are in school.

And Carlos would still live in a two-story penthouse with his parents.

His parents are so devoted to him that his father was recently involved in a “spy gate” with Djokovic.

According to The Telegrapha ‘spy-gate’ row erupted over allegations that Carlos Alcaraz Djokovic’s father filmed a training session.

Djokovic recently complained about privacy during his workouts.

Speaking at a recent Serbian language conference, he said, “The circumstances are such that we don’t have privacy during training, although sometimes I would like to have more privacy.”

When asked, Alcaraz told a press conference at Wimbledon: ‘My father is a big fan of tennis. Being able to see Djokovic in real life, yes, it’s probably true that he films the sessions.’

However, he added, “I mean I have a lot of videos of Djokovic on every platform. I don’t think it’s an advantage for me.’

Anyway, Carlossays the blockbuster Wimbledon final against Novak Djokovic will be the ‘greatest moment of my life’.

The world number one is chasing his first title in SW19, but faces the toughest test of all in Djokovic, who faces a record-equalling eighth success on Center Court.

Spaniard Carlos Alcaraz returns to face Serb Novak Djokovic in the men's singles final on day fourteen of the Wimbledon Tennis Championships in London

Spaniard Carlos Alcaraz returns to face Serb Novak Djokovic in the men’s singles final on day fourteen of the Wimbledon tennis championships in London

A 16-year age difference between the two players makes Sunday the ultimate generation match as Alcaraz looks to dethrone 36-year-old Djokovic.

And the Spaniard, who got rid of third seed Daniil Medvedev, will cherish the moment.

“It’s probably going to be the best moment of my life — probably,” he said. “Playing a final here at Wimbledon is something I dream of playing tennis. As I said before, playing against Novak is even better.

“It will be a very emotional moment for me. But I’ll try to stay calm at that point. For Novak, it’s another day, another moment. For me, this will be the best moment of my life, I think.’

It’s a rematch of the recent French Open semifinal, where Alcaraz played brilliantly to tie in one set before a cramp ruined his chances and Djokovic raced to a four-set victory en route to a record 23rd grand slam- title.

Alcaraz, chasing his second after winning the US Open last year, has vowed to do things differently in his preparation.

“I will try to come out on court with not as much nerve as I probably had in French Open, in the semifinals,” he said. “I’ll try to pull out all the nerves, try to enjoy that moment, because I probably didn’t enjoy the first set in the semifinals at the French Open at all.

‘I’m going to do something else. I will prepare the match a little differently than the French Open. It will be different for me. I hope I don’t get a cramp during the final. I think I’ll be better on Sunday.’




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