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Plans for the Longueville Tennis Club's lighting installation are angering neighbors

Plans for the Longueville Tennis Club's lighting installation are angering neighbors
Plans for the Longueville Tennis Club's lighting installation are angering neighbors


Jill Golledge was concerned about the loss of on-street parking, the noise and impact on wildlife, as well as site visits by people with ulterior motives who are attracted to the light. Malcolm and Helen Robertson were concerned that tennis players would stick around for drinks after a match.

Judging from the habits of the cricketers and footballers who use the Kingsford Smith Oval during the day, this is likely to happen, they wrote. The players bring their drinks to the oval in car refrigerators. Occasionally a barbecue is organized [and] brought to the oval by the players.

Former Longueville Tennis Club President Bruce Hogan with local players Will and Christina Hong, and young Alfred.

Former Longueville Tennis Club President Bruce Hogan with local players Will and Christina Hong, and young Alfred.Credit: Wolter Peeters

Geoff Grinter, a Longueville resident and member of the tennis club, said the lights would reduce the value of nearby properties. Dozens of entries also questioned the demand for night tennis, pointing out that several other courts within a three-mile radius were floodlit at night.

But the club's former president Bruce Hogan, who made the application, said with younger people moving to the Lane Cove area there was an increasing demand for night tennis. With the River Road Tennis Center temporarily closed for redevelopment, there were only three other floodlit courts in the local government area, in Lane Cove West, he said.

Locals don't like change, Hogan said. Many neighbors would say: let's export the problem; there are lamps in other LGAs. That's probably the ultimate NIMBY.

The adjacent oval has no lighting, the adjacent pavilion does. It's not like the possums aren't acclimating down there, Hogan said.

Longueville Tennis Club has made several previous attempts to install floodlights on its outdoor courts.

Longueville Tennis Club has made several previous attempts to install floodlights on its outdoor courts.Credit: Wolter Peeters

In its application, the club argued that the two selected courses were located deepest in the park and that there were no homes on the immediate boundaries of the courses.

Not all neighbors were against the lights. In his submission, Bill Power said the 9pm curfew was reasonable. As for owls losing their sleep, how ridiculous and insulting it is to suggest that tennis players will destroy cars is absurd [sic].

The tennis courts are owned by the council and the lighting application is with Lane Cove Council. Mayor Scott Bennison was contacted for comment.

The club made a similar attempt to install lighting in 2019, but it failed. According to Lane Cove's community website, In The Cove, the club has that too attempted to install lighting in 1965 and 1981.




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