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Miami Open tennis 2024: Naomi Osaka defeated Elina Svitolina as Iga Swiatek entered the third round

Miami Open tennis 2024: Naomi Osaka defeated Elina Svitolina as Iga Swiatek entered the third round


Naomi Osaka recorded her best victory since her comeback to the WTA Tour at the start of the year as Elina Svitolina was swept aside 6-2, 7-6 (5), while world number one Iga Swiatek also triumphed in the second round of the season. the Miami Open on Saturday.

Playing in her sixth tournament since Osaka returned after the birth of her daughter, the four-time Grand Slam champion appears to have found her rhythm as world number 17 Svitolinas had no answer to the power and precision of Japan's groundstrokes.

After a tight opening, with the first five games dominated by serve, Osaka stepped up a gear to win four straight games and close out the opening set in just over half an hour.

Svitolina had a chance at the start of the second set but was denied by a brilliant volley into Osaka's midfield to avoid a break point and maintain the 2–1 score.

As in the opening set, Osaka then put her foot on the accelerator as she broke to love to open a 4-2 lead, but was broken for the first time when she had the chance to serve it out.

Instead, the 26-year-old was forced to take victory in a thrilling tennis tie-break reminiscent of her four slam victories in three years between 2018 and 2021.

Osaka's next opponent will be Carolina Garcia after world number 27 defeated Viktoriya Tomova.

Swiatek's hot streak continues as she made up for lost time due to bad weather, entering the third round with a 6-1, 6-1 victory over Italy's Camila Giorgi on Saturday.

The Pole was one of several big names who could not take to the field on Friday as heavy rain wiped out most of the matchday.

Swiatek, who won in Indian Wells last week, is aiming for a fourth title in six tournaments this year and got out of the starting blocks by winning the first four matches.

Giorgi finally got on the board but only temporarily halted Swiatek's momentum as the four-time Grand Slam winner won eight of the next nine matches and came through in just over an hour.

Next, Swiatek has another chance to exact revenge on Linda Noskova, against whom she suffered a shock defeat in the third round of the Australian Open.

The two also met in Indian Wells, where Swiatek recorded a convincing 6-4, 6-0 win.

Number five in the world Jessica Pegula had to recover from a slow start to advance when China's Zhu Lin retired due to illness, trailing 6-4, 4-1.

Zhu, the world number 63, got the early break and took a 3–1 lead, but lost the next eight points allowing Pegula to break back.

The American then started to find her stride and broke again to take the opening set.

Pegula won five games in a row to take a 3-0 lead in the second set. Although Zhu fended off two break points to get on the board in the fourth game, she was forced to throw in the towel just one game later.

Pegula next faces 2021 US Open finalist Leylah Fernandez, with the American making the most of the comforts of home at her home tournament in Miami.

I get to go home, I see my dogs every evening, that's really special! said Pegula. When we traveled so much throughout the year, it makes everything a lot less stressful, a lot easier and I'm very grateful to be home this week.

Finalist of the Australian Open Zheng Qinwen was undone by the experience of Victoria Azarenka 6-4, 7-5.

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