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The Sun's Girls Hockey All-Star team

The Sun's Girls Hockey All-Star team


Player of the Year

Lily MacKenzie


A natural scorer, MacKenzie finished the season with 34 goals and eight assists, giving her career totals of 86 goals and 36 assists for 122 points. That point total ranks her first among Wilmington players and second all-time in the history of the co-op program, which also draws players from Stoneham and North Reading. She scored 34 of the team's 58 goals this season. A two-time Sun All-Star, MacKenzie helped lead the team to three straight state tournament berths, including an 11-9-1 mark this season. She is also a member of the WHS softball team.

Lily MacKenzie
Lily MacKenzie

Giovanna Gulinello


Gulinello, a Billerica junior, led the co-op team in scoring with 14 goals and 16 assists, giving her 68 career points. She was named team MVP and a member of the MVC/DCL Division 1 All-Conference team. Gulinello helped Billerica/Chelmsford qualify for the state tournament, losing in the first round in a 1-0 double-overtime thriller to Belmont. Gulinello is also a member of Billerica's soccer and lacrosse programs.

Giovanna Gulinello
Giovanna Gulinello

Cat Schille


Schille was also a two-time Sun All-Star in hockey and helped lead the Red Rangers to a 15-5-2 overall record, including a win over Wellesley in the first round of the state tournament. A talented scorer, she finished the season with 13 goals, nine assists and 22 points and finished her career with 30 goals, 16 assists and 46 points. Schille, named the team's MVP, is also at the top of her class academically and the senior has named UMass as her top choice for college.

Cat Schille
Cat Schille

Lyla Chapman


Only a freshman, Chapman has made a big impact on the hockey and football teams. This winter, the puck-moving defenseman helped the Red Rangers to a 15-win season, including advancing to the second round of the state tournament. She played a big role in the team's power play and was always on the ice for penalty kicks. She finished the season with one goal and 14 assists, which comes after her debut season as an eighth grader when she had three goals and four assists, giving her 22 points in two years.

Lyla Chapman
Lyla Chapman

Kailey Hannon

Westford Academy/Littleton

Hannon, a two-time Sun All-Star, finished the season with 13 goals and nine assists, upsetting the Winthrop co-op team in the first round of the state tournament before losing to Malden Catholic. Last year she finished with 22 goals and 10 assists. Hannon is a team captain, a two-year MVC/DCL All-Conference selection and a three-time league all-star. He is also a member of the Littleton High field hockey and lacrosse teams. Academically, she is on the principal's list, an honor roll student and a member of the National Society of High School Scholars.

Kailey Hannon
Kailey Hannon

Maddie Sainato


Sainato, a two-time Sun All-Star and the region's only goalie to make this year's team, was instrumental in leading the co-op team to an 11-9-1 overall record and three straight state tournament appearances. She posted two shutouts on the season and gave up two goals or fewer in ten games, including stellar performances against Woburn, Reading and Arlington. Sainato, who comes from five generations of athletes at WHS, has also spent time playing softball, lacrosse and softball.

Second team

Billerica/Chelmsford: Kara Gambale, Fr., forward. Shawsheen/Bedford: Violet Lorusso, Fr., forward; Rebecca Sobol, Fr., forward. Tewksbury/Methuen: Sammy Ryan, Fr., forward; Lydia Barnes, Fr., goalkeeper; Emma Ryan, Sr., defense; Emma Giordano, Sr., forward. Westford Academy/Littleton: Kiera Tucker, sophomore, goalkeeper; Lauren Alonardo, Sr., defense. Wilmington/Stoneham: Paige Fuller, Sr., forward; Ashley Mercier, Sr., defense.




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